Dear Content Designers - please Take this into consideration

If you really gonna celebrate something and release a Spacial event.
Please please please please make it a little bit challanging.
This as a consumer of your product
This is a complete waste of time and energy.
And not asking for rewards.
I am asking for atleast make the opponents minimum 10 to 15k p.i
Atleast if there is no challange it's just a very very bad piece of content.
I get it this linar yeat event is underwhelming. But hear me out.
Why does it have to be underwhelming?
It doesn't hurt to make a good content that everyone can enjoy.
After 6 years why not change things?
And even if u have to change the rewards if this content gets better
Then there are mid tier rewards. Just put those in.
I mean 10 to 20 units
T1 alpha
5 to 10 sig stones
Instead of PHC shards 4 star shards.
It's nothing game breaking.
This is a formal question.
As a consumer this is a bad experience.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
Then not a little bit of challange.
If you are gonna put 371 p.i champs then just make one path quest.
Or else it's bad bad very bad for your product reputation
Shouldn't have made this.
Make it too hard- rewards aren't worth it.
Make it the perfect difficulty- the rewards aren't worth it.
They'll never win.
Better just to ignore that content. Agreed.
so yes,this is not really fun.
but i can't complain about the great rewards comparing to the difficulty.
tottaly worth the effort.