Kabam need to do something about these deathmatches

Komodo65Komodo65 Member Posts: 15
This is the picture i took sorry about the graphics
But basically i have a new pull of 3 3 stars and am using them in arena.
But i come up against 3 teams of 3 star maxed. This is at streak of 23.
These deathmatches need to be dealt and they are now worse than ever.


  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    Sure, why not
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    You are using a team that will make you match those more stacked opponents.
    Avoid it by using more upgraded champions
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,679 ★★★★★
    they did change it and we all hated it. At 20+ streak just bait out the specials. You'll be fine to do that
  • Komodo65Komodo65 Member Posts: 15
    Unfortunately they are new 3 stars and being F2P i don't have enough gold
    Also i was able to beat black widow with Namor but void's damage over time and sabretooth's healing (died from suicides) just makes it impossible to win unless you have enough gold to take up 3 stars the moment you get them
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,679 ★★★★★
    I would change how you're forming your teams then. Instead of matching all your strongest champions stagger them. Put a team of 2 R3 and a R1. That should help
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