LOL rewards dilemma

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
edited February 2021 in General Discussion
Alright, so with one path to go before my LOL exploration 100%, and a bit of saved up shards, I should have about 60k 5* shards to open when I defeat Maestro for the last time. I have always been a big proponent of just buying basic crystals and that most featured crystals are never worth it except for big πŸ‹ accounts (especially for me, a free to play account). I am really getting to the point where I have 114/193 of the total possible 5* champs, and there are only about 12 left that I do not have as either a 5* or 6* that I actually would like. While I like the chance of getting more 6* shards from duping champions via the basic crystal, most of the champions that I want but don't have are new ones that are available in the featured. Champs that I would actually like out of the featured/don't have yet are Apocalypse, iBomb, CGR, Sentinel, Ghost Rider, and sig levels on a few like Colossus, Blade, etc. Overall, the odds of pulling a champ I would be happy with are 9/24 (37.5%), which seems much better than the chances I would pull something I like out of the basic crystals.

Feel free to help me decide which type to buy, either by poll, or by a strongly worded argument. I will post my results here for the 3 people who might actually be interested.

LOL rewards dilemma 43 votes

Basics all the way
Foxhero007Pranker12346DonDudu2809BonzodavidErik_Killmonger1001Adios50General Br3eze 7 votes
phillgreenThefire1310or_StrongWoody15Etm34MauledPyrdaTrubluMateIronGladiator22RenaxqqBen_15455RebornMVPodishika123Batman_bruce31Will3808UnitmanWooptyfrickendoo 17 votes
1/2 and 1/2
Thoye3DarkKnight646Husain_b128 3 votes
Just use them to target the Dual class you want the most
TerraGForce9TotalMonster109Maxwell24MasterpuffDigletGamingEtherealityShenkPuttPuttking_ov_scrubsCowabungaRiptideLlessurJoshKosh557Salve_maker05poha_1125 16 votes


  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,226 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Just use them to target the Dual class you want the most
    Or if you want specific champs form featured
  • GForce9GForce9 Member Posts: 20 β˜…
    Just use them to target the Dual class you want the most
    Featured is best if you have the Sigil and patience. Waiting 2 weeks seems like a long time but found it gave me the time to properly have the rank up supplies ready. Haven't been too lucky with the most recent pulls however - so that's why I voted for Dual class.
  • GForce9GForce9 Member Posts: 20 β˜…
    Just use them to target the Dual class you want the most
    My girls tend to get me Google Play cards for my birthday (April) or Father's Day which is the only time I get the Sigil - will have a 6* next week but have given up hope of ever duping one. Maybe someday they will have a Dual class for those.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 7,975 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Before I vote, do you have iHulk?
    If no, go featured
    If yes, go featured
  • UnitmanUnitman Member Posts: 241 β˜…β˜…
    go featured or wait for the next featured. what was your team for LoL?
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Unitman said:

    go featured or wait for the next featured. what was your team for LoL?

    Pretty much just went through with Aegon. I wouldn’t mind doing another champ, but he is just so well suited for it and I don’t have the units to waste.
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,728 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    I went for 5 featureds when they came out and pulled cgr on the last one. Can’t say anything about Apocalypse, but CGR is insane. I’m waiting on t2 alpha to r5 him.
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