Aq rankings

Gregdagr8Gregdagr8 Member Posts: 382 ★★★
Very interesting to see what allies are suddenly not at the top of the aq board. Kabam really needs to ban these people more. A lot of allies missing from to aq rewards are in master/plat in war. Not fair, get them out of war rewards as well, let the fair people get the rewards.


  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,077 ★★★★★
    ya we picked a pretty unlucky week to run map 5 instead of map 7, RIP
  • Gregdagr8Gregdagr8 Member Posts: 382 ★★★
    Everyone knows the same allies that have to pilot act 7 also pilot war. Kabam has now proven they can catch pilots. So kabam please please please ban or dock these allies a lot at the end of war seasons. Completely unfair that they are allowed to pilot in war and not be punished.
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