Matchmaking Screwed, Act 6 Bugs

TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
edited March 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues

At tier6 gold2 against tier6 gold1 Lol. so howthe hell did they came up with that?? we dont care about the multiplier we just want the seasons rewards at g1 with chill tier. So any Einstein of the game here wants to educate so that we could apply that strategy? Pls Einsteins of the game i need your expertise on this youre all einstein and BTW act6 bugged. Against Grandmaster, you cant gain power unless GM is 1 percent so KNOCK ME DOWN now EINSTEINS. Lastly Act 6.4.3 Night Trasher unblockable finale doesnt want to throw Specials, none all or nothing node but end up like that multiple times, if he doesn't want to throw then you Einsteins can throw me out. Thanks Einsteins of the game, Stay Salty ..l..


  • General Br3ezeGeneral Br3eze Member Posts: 100 β˜…

    At tier6 gold2 against tier6 gold1 Lol. so howthe hell did they came up with that?? we dont care about the multiplier we just want the seasons rewards at g1 with chill tier. So any Einstein of the game here wants to educate so that we could apply that strategy? Pls Einsteins of the game i need your expertise on this youre all einstein and BTW act6 bugged. Against Grandmaster, you cant gain power unless GM is 1 percent so KNOCK ME DOWN now EINSTEINS. Lastly Act 6.4.3 Night Trasher unblockable finale doesnt want to throw Specials, none all or nothing node but end up like that multiple times, if he doesn't want to throw then you Einsteins can throw me out. Thanks Einsteins of the game, Stay Salty ..l..

    I think the match making is based on alliance total/ average prestige or total/average rating
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    I think the match making is based on alliance total/ average prestige or total/average rating
    Not prestige.
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    No wonder why our ally always enters tier5 at gold2 rankings whenever winning a war... and there is so many issues with other alliances also not just my ally. I also view some ally only targetting for gold 1 but because the matchmaking was lucky for them, they end up PLAT4 🀣🀣 WOW. To all kabammers just know that your matchmaking is screwed and continue to screwing other allies. Just fix the issue, continues monitoring and start from the beginning again, then provide rightful compensation to those allies that have been affected for so many months... Dont want?? then provide statements that can be easily understand and acceptable by your loyal summoners because this was supposed to be a fun time for us kabam summoners. SPEAK NATURAL ENGLISH
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    No wonder why our ally always enters tier5 at gold2 rankings whenever winning a war... and there is so many issues with other alliances also not just my ally. I also view some ally only targetting for gold 1 but because the matchmaking was lucky for them, they end up PLAT4 🀣🀣 WOW. To all kabammers just know that your matchmaking is screwed and continue to screwing other allies. Just fix the issue, continues monitoring and start from the beginning again, then provide rightful compensation to those allies that have been affected for so many months... Dont want?? then provide statements that can be easily understand and acceptable by your loyal summoners because this was supposed to be a fun time for us kabam summoners. SPEAK NATURAL ENGLISH

    Can you speak English? So many made up words in your paragraph.
    The system has flaws but is much better then before. The only flaw you have with it, is not understanding it. Which a lot of people here will gladly help you. Except you call them names, so I’m not sure why you bother coming on the forums. Except to troll, and it’s not even an elite level troll. Bottom of the barrel.
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    edited March 2021
    NAMES?? what names ar you talking about?? i only said 1 name and that is eintein 🀣🀣 no matter what the issue is, you people will not focus on the main issue here and just bash... If you feel that you are so good then why dont you explain and make me understand?? if you make me believe that im wrong then ill slap my face, but if you cant make it clear to me ill give you a slap in the mouth, Sounds fair??? one also issue is it seems like they and you cant adjust to others understanding because youre all SELFISH EINSTEINS... 🀣..l..
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    i know the game has flaws that is why im telling some of the problem dummy?? so they can know and take action, are you mad??
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    i know the game has flaws that is why im telling some of the problem dummy?? so they can know and take action, are you mad??

    Not mad my friend. I just know how speak to people and convey my message without insulting people.

    You do not understand the problem, with your attitude no one will help you.
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    if youre frustrated with the end results and you know it was not fair? and others just bash your concern and nobody wants to accomodate? how do you want me say it? with a SMILING FACE?? really?? πŸ˜…πŸ€£
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    FYI this is a game that involves emotions, you put time, money and effort. Try knocking your head... Say it the other way, you will still only bash and not extend help
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Can’t explain it when you intentionally cover up your alliances war rating.
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    Finally someone who is willing to assist and just focus on the issue
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    edited March 2021

    This is our alliance rating at gold2 tier6 and we fought 40m ally gold1 tier 6
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    we fought 40m ally

    So? You’re 36milliom ally. And the war ratings were nearly the same. It’s a fair war.
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    is it? again our concern was just the ranking, why other alliances can make it gold1 like that
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    is it? again our concern was just the ranking, why other alliances can make it gold1 like that

    There are a lot of factors to consider as to why alliances are lower in ranking but higher war rating or vice versa.
    You are fighting adequate levels of competition to your level. We see this via war ratings. Not alliance ratings (40 million vs 36 million), these have zero impact on the matchmaking.

    Win you will fight harder alliances.
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    Should i change my title to RANKINGS SCREWED instead of matchmaking screwed?
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    so what do we need to consider so we dont go at tier5 and make it to gold1, like that ally? What are the factors to consider so we could be successful next season to rank gold1 at tier6 multiplier only? help me
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    Also act 6.4 bugs
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    so what do we need to consider so we dont go at tier5 and make it to gold1, like that ally? What are the factors to consider so we could be successful next season to rank gold1 at tier6 multiplier only? help me

    Dude, you will not be able to control or manipulate rankings or ratings to get to where you want to be. Win a lot, goto p3 then slide down to where you want. That’s the best option. You will not get what you want from starting at the bottom.
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    we arent skilled players we cant compete at tier5 above. just feel its not fair that other alliances can enter rankings gold1 at a chill tier 6, we done it before gold1 tier 6 but for the past 6 months it was brutal trying to go up again and just stuck at gold2 since switching alliances
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    we had an old ally that we used to reach gold1 at tier6 only... but few months passed 4 to 5 months from now and we cant make it happen thats why we switched alliance and still same
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited March 2021

    we arent skilled players we cant compete at tier5 above. just feel its not fair that other alliances can enter rankings gold1 at a chill tier 6, we done it before gold1 tier 6 but for the past 6 months it was brutal trying to go up again and just stuck at gold2 since switching alliances

    You need a higher multipler to be able to still gain while losing. But not really gain because you will drop. This is considered β€œtanking”. You can’t get there by starting before the tier you are aiming for. Also matchmaking changed from a mix of prestige and such to what we have now. It was easier for alliances with low prestige to squeak through certain situations.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    You can hit gold 1 while playing about half your wars at tier 6 and half at tier 5 as long as you clear the bosses in all wars and 100% in tier 6. Boss rush at tier 5 is usually enough points from there.
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    Thank you guys for the info... I'll be keeping this in mind big help
  • TheReALShAMeoNU23TheReALShAMeoNU23 Member Posts: 96 β˜…
    check out bugged gm act6 and night trasher 6.4.3
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