5* Wolverine

BIGJ757BIGJ757 Member Posts: 22
I opened 43 feature crystals for him with no luck
And incursions crystals again with no luck.
Is Wolverine in the 5* basic pool??
Is he in the dual class mutant/skill pool?
I just wanna make him a horseman and have some fun!


  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★
    Wolvie wont be in basic or dual till kabam give an official word on it for other champs that aint in them which are also classified rare champs as only seen in other crystals aside from basic and duals
  • TommyGunn86TommyGunn86 Member Posts: 23
    I pulled my 5* Wolverine from a cav shattered heart crystal. I saved all my shards and popped them all at once and suprisingly got tremendous drop rates. Had a insane number of 5 stars and the rest 4 stars. Think i had maybe 1 or 2 three stars in the whole spread. No 6 stars though. I took wolvie took r4 with variant gems i had been sitting on. Just at r4 unduped i can tell you that he is insane when paired with Apoc or as a horsemen. Crazy bleeds. Not too worried about the dupe at the moment bc im pretty sure it only affects regen but could be wrong. I just dont have a gem to burn on him atm.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    I pulled my 5* Wolverine from a cav shattered heart crystal. I saved all my shards and popped them all at once and suprisingly got tremendous drop rates. Had a insane number of 5 stars and the rest 4 stars. Think i had maybe 1 or 2 three stars in the whole spread. No 6 stars though. I took wolvie took r4 with variant gems i had been sitting on. Just at r4 unduped i can tell you that he is insane when paired with Apoc or as a horsemen. Crazy bleeds. Not too worried about the dupe at the moment bc im pretty sure it only affects regen but could be wrong. I just dont have a gem to burn on him atm.

    Mine is duped and sig 40 (gem + sigs)

    The regen from the sig level is kinda ridiculous
  • TommyGunn86TommyGunn86 Member Posts: 23
    I wish you good luck though. I know i was pumped when i saw him after i auto popped all my shards. Had a alliance mate do even better and pulled a 5* Scarlet witch the other day. He took her straight to r5 and sig 200 and you can only imagine how much of a MONSTER she is.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    BIGJ757 said:

    I opened 43 feature crystals for him with no luck
    And incursions crystals again with no luck.
    Is Wolverine in the 5* basic pool??
    Is he in the dual class mutant/skill pool?
    I just wanna make him a horseman and have some fun!

    You beat me. I tried 31 Featureds and got neither Wolvie nor Professor X. Both incursion crystals weren’t Wolvie and none of the Shattered Heart crystals yielded him either.

    Dr. Zola
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    I have the 5* at Sig 140 and the healing is outrageous. Which is great because he's long been a favourite of mine - I still remember the exact moment I pulled the 4*, even four years later.
  • PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
    I have to say my luck with the rare 5 stars was really over the top lately

    Got Wolverine from the first nightmare Incursions crystal
    Got OG Black Widow from a shattered heart
    And finally got Scarlet Witch from the Chaos incursions crystal

    Whish you all good luck mates with the rare champs!

    The incursion crystals will change in a few days, maybe they put some rare champs are in there as well
  • ShaqatacShaqatac Member Posts: 260 ★★
    I got mine from featured like a month ago and he’s insane with Apocalypse I’m just hoping to awakened him
  • Rocket_RidesRocket_Rides Member Posts: 10
    BIGJ757 said:

    I opened 43 feature crystals for him with no luck
    And incursions crystals again with no luck.
    Is Wolverine in the 5* basic pool??
    Is he in the dual class mutant/skill pool?
    I just wanna make him a horseman and have some fun!

    Oh lol I got him and duped him from 5 crystals

  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    I remember seeing something about them wanting to make rare champions be more readily available in one of their dev diaries last year. Someone can probably find what im talking about, but I hope this applies to wolvie as i too just can’t pull him
  • PsilencePsilence Member Posts: 40
    I opened 35 shattered hearts crystals in search of him and didn’t pull him! Right before the gifting badge expired some of my alliance mates gifted me enough cards to bring my shard count up enough for one last crystal and...

  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    BIGJ757 said:

    I opened 43 feature crystals for him with no luck
    And incursions crystals again with no luck.
    Is Wolverine in the 5* basic pool??
    Is he in the dual class mutant/skill pool?
    I just wanna make him a horseman and have some fun!

    You beat me. I tried 31 Featureds and got neither Wolvie nor Professor X. Both incursion crystals weren’t Wolvie and none of the Shattered Heart crystals yielded him either.

    Dr. Zola
    opened four featureds and got wolvie and prof x (dupe, got the first from epoch cavs) on the last two
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    My sons account pulled a 5* wolverine. Must have been the basic crystal as he is only 'Contender' so doesn't have access to the next-level crystals.
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★

    I wish you good luck though. I know i was pumped when i saw him after i auto popped all my shards. Had a alliance mate do even better and pulled a 5* Scarlet witch the other day. He took her straight to r5 and sig 200 and you can only imagine how much of a MONSTER she is.

    I’ll do you one better. One 6*, an insane amount of more 5*s as well as a 5* scarlet witch, who I got and duped from shattered cavs, and a 5* wolvie
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