New backgrounds?

It has been a couple years since new backgrounds have been introduced. Any plans for new backgrounds? Also, can we get rid of the Surtur background? It is annoying to fight any characters that have black or red in their design.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
I'm confident the art department would knock it out of the park. Those folks are always on point.
or like in Tekken who played, to have people in the background watching or moving...
The ideas are plenty !
But we all know Kabam's Design department:
Copy + Paste from older content to new one and just do small tweaks.
Endgame final battle
The hex
Inside avengers tower
inside X-Mansion
Thanos' throne room
On titan from Infinity War
In the flying donut from Infinity War
In front of DS mansion from Infinity War
Inside DS Mansion
These are just a few and I know maybe only one of them would probably happen but it would be nice if we had like 50 plus backgrounds because they could cycle through and never get old