4100 and 4200 prestige players looking for ally

We would like to join an ally that is sopfesticated and
Does aq maps 5x5 all 3 bgs, expert bracket
Hope the ally rating is good, not that it matters a lot
We are not too much into war but if its a must we are fine with it
I ll soon have a r4 5*, just waiting on t4cc
Here are our profile pics

Does aq maps 5x5 all 3 bgs, expert bracket
Hope the ally rating is good, not that it matters a lot
We are not too much into war but if its a must we are fine with it
I ll soon have a r4 5*, just waiting on t4cc
Here are our profile pics

[-SDF-] looking for 2.
★ 7m+
★ AQ Expert
★ AW/AQ concurrent
★ Lowest Dues
★ DISCORD (longest running alliance server)