Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Player looking for full alliance, AQ 5x5, in-season war

10399 prestige. Decent roster but I'm not rock star player. "Commanderson" on LINE app.
Looking for a full alliance that:
-Communicates well (tags when others are clear).
-No issues clearing AQ 5 maps.
-War taken somewhat seriously (items use, clearing boss island) but not losing our minds when it's too much.
-Gold 1/2 would be ideal for me.


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    eggesteggest Posts: 157

    We run map 5x5 scoring 270mil. Started to move towards map6 by doing it on day one most weeks.

    Wars are 2 bgs on rotation, so everyone plays and also gets regular breaks from it. We get gold 2 in around tier 5-6. Nothing too bad.

    If interested, add me on Line: eggest1
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    CommandersonCommanderson Posts: 20
    no longer looking
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