Alliance rules

nik123456789nik123456789 Member Posts: 55
edited April 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
I think a good improvement to the game will be that a player cannot be kicked or leave the alliance before aq cycle ends
So no stress to find a new player or a new alliance while aq is also going
What do you think?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • nik123456789nik123456789 Member Posts: 55
    Just write to kabam that player cannot play for an emergency
    Then kabam send a message to the player
    If he doesn’t reply will be kicked automatically
  • nik123456789nik123456789 Member Posts: 55
    Often happens that players leave during aq because they want go in alliance better placed in war or players are kicked because of some different arguments
    So this is a good solution
    Or in alternative you shouldn’t lost rewards if you are kicked and join another alliance
    Remain the problem to find a player if he leaves
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    Just write to kabam that player cannot play for an emergency
    Then kabam send a message to the player
    If he doesn’t reply will be kicked automatically

    Ooor you just kick them if they need kicking for being awful or leave them until the emergency is over. Instead of making it unnecessarily difficult for literally no reason...
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    Often happens that players leave during aq because they want go in alliance better placed in war or players are kicked because of some different arguments
    So this is a good solution
    Or in alternative you shouldn’t lost rewards if you are kicked and join another alliance
    Remain the problem to find a player if he leaves

    If you were kicked during an AQ series, in the majority of scenarios you deserved it.
    And if you were so awful that you got kicked you most certainly don’t deserve rewards.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★

    Kabam has no place in how alliances are run. If you don't like the alliance you're in, you are free to move on just as much as leaders can boot players for their reasons.

    yup, perfectly said
  • nik123456789nik123456789 Member Posts: 55
    Then joining aq should be free
    Or if you buy a ticket you should always claim rewards
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    No. I understand where you’re coming from but being able to be kicked if you don’t show up makes it so that people don’t slack. It would also make changing people around during the war offseason a lot more difficult.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,752 Guardian

    Just write to kabam that player cannot play for an emergency
    Then kabam send a message to the player
    If he doesn’t reply will be kicked automatically

    Isn’t this follow up above then contradicting your original argument ?

    Anyways, AQ is 5 days, plus half day for rewards, and 3 days inbetween (so 8 day cycles, which means every week it's starting on a different day of week).
    AW is cycle of 28 days, and 14 days inbetween.
    And Summoner Advancement is 7 days, no break inbetween (rewards crossover into next SA duration), and does not ever line up with AW even though # of days duration is the same.

    None of these are gonna always line up so that there is a certain set period of time for every single alliance to make their changes all at the same time.
    People coming and going are always gonna be affected by some type of alliance wide rewards event.
  • KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Right or wrong, from the OP's post, I'm inferring that he got kicked mid-cycle from AQ...
  • Ironside47Ironside47 Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    I’ve kicked players for joining quest/war day after day but not fighting. It really annoys me when people do that, and then claim rewards from other peoples hard work. I wish kebam would stop rewarding people that don’t contribute.
  • OneMast3rOneMast3r Member Posts: 331 ★★
    I think a better solution would be to let 35 players join an alliance so people have a 5 player overlap. This way if someone does have an emergency someone else can take their spot. This game tries to monopolize your time with no wiggle room. Almost all games offer some wiggle room.
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