Vivified Act 6 is such a challenge

While exploring act 6 i was faced with so many challenging tasks but none compares to this lane. Now I know this act has been nerfed in terms of attack but man is it still hard. (Not complaining)
If you don't have ghost+hood you are gonna be baiting 50 specials a fight. I don't have Ghost so I used the Munash method of Guillotine 2099 assault pre fight, combined with Mr. Fantastic power sting synergies. (Still not complaining)
It works like a charm until you get to Ms Elsa bloodstone whose SP2 despite the nerf hits insanely hard . Even after weakness placed by Mr. Fantastic she does 15 to 20 % through the block. (Complaining maybe just a little )
So what was the point of this post? I want act 6 to be further nerfed? NO.
A lot of players still haven't explored act 6 and whether they like it or not the rewards offered by it are extremely valuable in terms of progression. So sooner or later you'll have to explore it. (Just a suggestion)
This post is my personal experience of this path and since there are so many hard paths like this in act 6 be prepared guys cause they have nerfed act 6 but if you haven't already explored it you'll find it extremely challenging.(WhoTheFAsked? nobody)
Good day everyone.
If you don't have ghost+hood you are gonna be baiting 50 specials a fight. I don't have Ghost so I used the Munash method of Guillotine 2099 assault pre fight, combined with Mr. Fantastic power sting synergies. (Still not complaining)
It works like a charm until you get to Ms Elsa bloodstone whose SP2 despite the nerf hits insanely hard . Even after weakness placed by Mr. Fantastic she does 15 to 20 % through the block. (Complaining maybe just a little )
So what was the point of this post? I want act 6 to be further nerfed? NO.
A lot of players still haven't explored act 6 and whether they like it or not the rewards offered by it are extremely valuable in terms of progression. So sooner or later you'll have to explore it. (Just a suggestion)
This post is my personal experience of this path and since there are so many hard paths like this in act 6 be prepared guys cause they have nerfed act 6 but if you haven't already explored it you'll find it extremely challenging.(WhoTheFAsked? nobody)
Good day everyone.
This is mainly because of the too many bs nodes combinations.
I don’t know how healthy for the game is long term, having a main story content exploration, basically locked behind Quake/Ghost use.
Surely certain fights and quests in Act6 need revisit.
Personally, I found very poor and lazy Kabam’s take on Act6 to simply reduce attack values and boss fights.
They should have done more extended changes (not necessarily nerfs) in particular fights and quests.
Only problem fight is invisible woman.
Personally for me, guillotine 2099 assault pre fight worked great till vulture and i used cap iw(petrifys) for invisible woman, solo'd her.
Claire is a bit difficult cause if i use guilly against her and she throws heavys on bleed curse which she loves to do, she'll be at an Sp3 in no time. So i used cap and mr. Richards sr for her.
Till here i don't require any revives.
Once Ms. Elsa makes an appearance it hits the fan and i had to quit cause i lost my combo with guilly and assault was not available .
That node is so dumb imo, can barely do a dang combo. I am not even a good Quake player, but its still cheaper than not having the Ghost + Hood like summoners dont
But yeah if it wasn't for for masochism i would've loved to quake atleast red skull, invisible woman, Claire and elsa.
In 7.1 there's a vivified lane but kabam have added an assist node, wish there was something like this here but hey can't criticize them for improvement.
Anyways thanks for the video suggestion, I'll do duels against her and then go in the actual fight.
I am throne breaker now, and haven't done Act 6 exploration. Already completed Act 7.1
I am not fighting some of these Act 6 bosses again.
I did Act 5 exploration, after I became Cavalier. The only compelling reason was for XP.
I did Act 4 exploration, after I became uncollected. Only compelling reason was for the Mastery points.
There is no compelling reason to explore Act 6, the pain is not worth it. So I would recommend just do another path and complete it.