You're thinking of a champions rating, the prestige of a champ can not be altered by masteries. If you want the rating to go suicide masteries are the way to go for an easy bump
When you click on your profile, click on the mastery button. This will take you to your mastery tree. You can always change it but units and gold won't be refunded only be points. You have to have a certain amount of points in the offensive tree first, after that the master "glass cannon" will unlock and everything branching off that one will give you an increase
Guys I want my top champs prestige to be high. My top 3 champs are Medusa hulk and GP. Do we have mastery for that? Please help!
Choose high prestige champs to begin with. Then focus on ranking them up and increasing their signature levels (either by duping or using signature stones). A few champs that I know that are really good and have high prestige are Gwenpool & Dr. Voodoo.
Choose high prestige champs to begin with. Then focus on ranking them up and increasing their signature levels (either by duping or using signature stones). A few champs that I know that are really good and have high prestige are Gwenpool & Dr. Voodoo.
i have gambit 4/40 sig 99 and i dont even like him cause is annoying to use