Should there be an T5cc fragment crystal for cavalier players in glory store in future?

Hello there fellow players , so I was asking this question to myself and thinking that to get a thronebreaker title u need to complete act 6 and should have an 6* to rank 3 and for that u need an T5cc of that class.
There are many cavalier players who have completed act 6 and still are stuck at cavalier title because of the above mentioned criteria required to be an thronebreaker.
Iam not saying now but I think there should be an option to buy T5cc fragment crystal in glory store for such players which should x
Cost more glory and have less fragments than thronebreaker players to keep it fair , so they can become thronebreaker.
For a player who can't do abyss and plays only monthly event these crystal would be a lot of help and would also encourage other cavalier players to attempt the same?
Please Give your thoughts.
There are many cavalier players who have completed act 6 and still are stuck at cavalier title because of the above mentioned criteria required to be an thronebreaker.
Iam not saying now but I think there should be an option to buy T5cc fragment crystal in glory store for such players which should x
Cost more glory and have less fragments than thronebreaker players to keep it fair , so they can become thronebreaker.
For a player who can't do abyss and plays only monthly event these crystal would be a lot of help and would also encourage other cavalier players to attempt the same?
Please Give your thoughts.
Should there be an T5cc fragment crystal for cavalier players in glory store in future? 244 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
You need to do content man.. 😅 You can't not do story mode and Variants and still wonder why you don't have the highest title. Sorry.
Or 100% 7.1
There needs to be a definitive line between Cavalier and ThroneBreaker and this is a huge part so I personally think they should leave it as is
Once you change the availability of t5cc you change the requirements of Thronebreaker. It’s like changing Cavlier to an earlier path in Act 1
Anyone saying it should take a new player just as long as it took a vet player to reach x title needs to think about the health of the game. If new players (I’d consider myself one) don’t see a way of catching up eventually, the game will die out as no new players are downloading the game.
The fact that they updated the glory store and cab crystals says kabaam is trying to speed up progression.
That being said, newer players are already dramatically moving up way faster then before. I have no quarrel with this, actually. What I have a quarrel with is the entitled attitude it seems to create. It's never enough.. some players always want more, more, faster faster... It just doesn't end.
Leave glory store as a perk to TBs or it’s reducing the rewards of being a TB
If you have played any other game you’d realize it’s just natural progression that new players eventually get sped up. Look at any mmo or rpg with dlc.
I saw a thread where someone who is level 56 was upset they can't hold 4 T5B. They wanted to R3 a 6* to get TB.
Don't worry about catching up. Just play the game.
As I said before I don’t think it needs to be right now but eventually it will happen. Anyone thinking otherwise is delusional.
Let me ask you something. I have 8 R3 6*'s. How much content do you think I have done overall?
And that’s without taking into consideration Act 6 exploration and the fragments available from monthly content. While I’ll admit, I’m not even halfway through Act 6 as I took a break to build up my roster so exploration is a long ways off, for those able to explore it that’s a fully formed catalyst right there. And just this month alone the amount of fragments available between the EQ and SQ come to a total of 30%. While that’ll most likely be spread out between multiple classes, it’s still a nice chunk of frags towards a T5CC.
The thing to keep in mind is that as we get more and more content, and newer titles higher than TB are introduced, we’ll most likely see T5CC become more accessible. However, I don’t personally believe T5CC fragments need to be in the glory store.
The trends that are troubling me are the new trends of just doing initial completion on everything. And attempting to skip over using entire rarities of the champions. People are not ranking 5 star simply because 6 star exist.. therefore limiting their capability of exploring act 6, the Variants, high level AQ...etc. Which then brings them to the forums asking for a work-around. "I don't have any good 6 star champs to rank.. how can I possibly progress!!??" Go explore story mode with 5 stars... as you were meant to?
I'm not coming from a place of judgement. I'm more upset that folks aren't getting the same meaningful experience some of us had by grinding through content and paying our dues. It's how we got good. And what makes us prepared to tackle the next challenge. It's what make the game fun for me.
Anyone else who wants TB bad enough, should do the same or need to wait for content that will give more after you've earned it. Eventually, there will be more T5CC in the game, but either you wait for it to come or you put in the work to get it now.
Current TB are just getting rewarded for what they've already done with the glory store uodate. What have Cavs done to deserve TB level rewards if they haven't done TB level content?