We noticed a number of the Spring of Sorrow objectives aren't working properly, we are investigating and currently working on a potential solution.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Infinity Watch Challenges

A message from Adam Warlock:

Greetings Summoners,
During my takeover of the Battlerealm, I have encountered some… difficulties. Many of my bravest champions have fallen to the Grandmaster, and I find myself in need of some new blood to carry on the fight. I will be conducting a series of Challenges to test your mettle… and while I can do nothing but pity failure, great rewards await those Summoners found worthy of standing at my side. The first of these Challenges will be announced soon, but I must warn you… it is not for the faint of heart. Do not disappoint me, Summoners.
-Adam Warlock

Infinity Watch is proud to announce our upcoming first round of Summoner Challenges. Next month, we will release the first target and attack guidelines in our line groups. These Challenges are designed to be very difficult, yet possible for Summoners of all levels. In-game prizes will be awarded once judging is completed. These Challenges will not interfere with your normal play or events, and are solely a way for the community to enjoy a little head to head competition.

We're very excited about this roll-out and look forward to adding more Challenges throughout the year. Please come join us in the Infinity Watch line groups for great mcoc info, updates, and camaraderie. (And the Challenges, of course) Whether you're looking for a new alliance, that special recruit, or just need to check what masteries work best for others... We've got it all available with simple commands from Warlock, our information bot. Also, please be nice to our chat bot Logan. He's a bit...um special.

The Infinity watch lobby is the best way to access any of the Infinity Watch rooms or find a Moderator. Click the link below to join.

Link for Lobby -


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    Just wanted to say thanks to all who have joined so far. The response has been really awesome. We're super excited about rolling out the first challenge. We've got some great ideas to make sure that Summoners of all levels are able to compete and have a chance at winning. We have Summoners from every level and all the big name alliances and I'd love to see a level 30 blow them all away haha.
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    dolann__dolann__ Posts: 98
    edited October 2017
    What is this about ?
    Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
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    Hey @dolann__
    Infinity Watch is a line group for mcoc. We have general chats, help chats, recruiting, etc. We also have our own info and chat bots in each of our rooms. Its a great place to stay on top of the newest information and find anything you need to know.

    Now, we're adding games and challenges to the mix. A lot of alliances play similar games in between aq/aw when things are slow. We're just organizing it and taking them to another level. It'll be a fun way to inject a little more friendly competition into the game we love. And of course, everyone loves prizes. Feel free to come check it out. The link for our lobby is in the first post in this thread. We use it as a gateway to all our rooms. Friendly mods always keep an eye on it to help new and old members find what they're looking for.

    This is an all inclusive group. So you'll find people from all alliances... from the casual players up to the top game allis.
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    Infinity Watch is proud to announce our inaugural Challenge Event. Adam Warlock has chosen Arunseek as your target. Only 3* Champions may be used. Entries must be submitted in the IW War Games room. All valid entries must be full fight videos from champion selection to end of fight recap window. Visit our Lobby for room entry. Winners will be announced on Oct 31. All entries must be submitted by midnight PST on Oct 27.

    Prizes are as follows:
    1st place- energy refill
    2nd place- health potion
    3rd place- duel credit
    The top five Challengers will also be granted entry to our monthly Champions Contest.
    Good luck summoners!

    The Infinity watch lobby is the best way to access any of the Infinity Watch rooms or find a Moderator. Click the link below to join.

    Link for Lobby -
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    Batty_NumppoBatty_Numppo Posts: 288 ★★★
    I’m assuming 1st place is awarded to whoever beats him fastest?
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    Winner determined by
    1- ko
    2- time taken
    3- lowest # of hits
    In that order.

    As this is the first Challenge, we'll be using this round to tweak the next rounds as far as difficulty level goes. We want everyone to be able to participate regardless of level. And we'll also have special previous winner only rounds in the future.
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    HzoriHzori Posts: 288 ★★
    Winner determined by
    1- ko
    2- time taken
    3- lowest # of hits
    In that order.

    As this is the first Challenge, we'll be using this round to tweak the next rounds as far as difficulty level goes. We want everyone to be able to participate regardless of level. And we'll also have special previous winner only rounds in the future.

    Well players that are lower levelled will always have a disadvantage due to their masteries.
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    Our thoughts right now include a pi cap for the champ you would use... It should do a good job of balancing the competition. But again, we just want it to be fun for everyone. Give it a shot, see how you do. We have a lot of good ideas to keep it lively.
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    Hello Summoners
    I wanted to say thanks to all that have participated in our first Challenge so far. The turnout has been great and the competition is very close right now. I can't divulge rankings or scores, but i can say the top Infinity Watch staff member (tho ineligible for prizes) is under 30 seconds and under 30 hits.

    If you would like to compete, there's still time. Deadline for submissions is midnight PST October 27. So record a few practice rounds, send us your best, and see how you stack up. Winners and their videos/scores will be broadcast on the 31st.

    We're already working on the next Challenge as well. And since we're all grinders like you, we're very excited about the new announcements from Kabam yesterday and will ensure our Challenges don't interfere with your normal play.

    Good luck to all!
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    Hi all,
    I wanted to say a big congrats to our top 5 Summoners from the first Challenge.

    Winners of the second special event will be announced tomorrow.

    All winners will be invited to our monthly Champions Challenge at the end of November.

    Adam Warlock has also announced his latest contest. Details below.

    Greetings Summoners
    I hope you are prepared for your greatest challenge to date. In keeping with the Halloween spirit, I am giving you a little treat. Your task is to face one of my very own. Defeat chunkyb using only champions below 2400 pi, no Quake, Agent Venom, Black Widow, CrossBones, Elektra, Falcon, Gwenpool, Karnak, Kingpin, Archangel, Cable, Gambit, Iceman, Psylocke, Doctor Voodoo, Hood, Punisher 2099, Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) allowed. This Challenge ends at 4pm PST Nov 4th.
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    Stop. Killing. My. Spidey. Jerks.
    He didn't do anything to you. This is just mean.
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