Contest of realms side quest ending early

DuelEagleDuelEagle Member Posts: 5
Sorry for the long message but I feel this needs to be addressed.

On my second account and my friend’s account the contest of realms ended early. I noticed this today when I realised that my run (which contained 300 6 star shards and 500 five star shards) was not in my fights tab. I had started the quest yesterday , but due to the screen time my dad put in place, I was unable to finish it. After playing on my main account today I then logged back into my second account (before the next key was released) and saw that I had no quests started. As you can imagine I felt quite annoyed but I thought maybe I had made some sort of mistake.
That was until 2 hours later I was on FaceTime with my friend and he was trying to find a killmonger for the duel target. When he looked in the quest he was currently on (the side quest) he laughed because the next fight he had was a killmonger (this was the key from yesterday), because he felt unprepared for this fight he went into arena to grind some units for revives, about half an hour later he comes out of arena to enter the quest, just to find that it was gone. He definitely did not finish it as he still didn’t have the key. While the reward he would have gained was only 75 5 star shards, I still feel it is important to address this as it could effect many players who need some of the resources they could gain from the side quest.
I was playing on a 2016 iPad Pro with iPadOS 14.4.2 and my friend was playing on the new iPhone SE with iOS 14.4.2


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