Dropping same 5 and 6* in a row

Just wondering how many others are dropping the same 5 and 6* one after another? I know it's pot luck but after it happening with sentry, spidergwen and superior ironman I'm starting to wonder is it just me? Is my acc cursed🤣, just opened a 5* og ironman so I think I'll hold opening my 6 for a bit lol
And I know 3 or 4 of the 6 current featured 5*s I’ve opened have been iAbom.
Just how the rng falls really. I’m fine getting iAbom, though I find it amusing that I got him as often as I did from the featured crystal when he was the first ever 5* version of the featured champion I’ve gotten from cavs (or UC) crystals since their release.
I have had back-to-back identical pulls on the same account, identical pulls on the same day on two accounts, and pulls of the same champ in a row of different rarities.
That being said, 99 percent of the time my pulls are as varied and random as you would expect.