L1 From Cosmic Sym Randomly Kills You in One Hit

I use to see this a long time ago, and then it seemed to have gone away for a while. Now it seems to be back. It only happens with Cosmic Syms, or at least that's the only time I've seen it happen or heard others complain about it happening. This last time I was in Map 5. My R5 Wolverine had full health and a Cosmic Sym hit me with an L1 attack when I accidentally dashed towards it. Killed me in one shot, full health and all. Note that I don't have suicide Masteries or anything like that, besides one point in Glass Cannon. The Sym did not have its Cruelty buff up at the time, but even if it did, it's hard for me to believe that it could one shot me. I take L1's on occasion in Map 6 and usually live to tell about it. So how can a Sym in Map 5 level me it one hit? Any ideas what's going on here? Anyone else experienced this?

15k though? Still seems a little extreme even with true damage and crit.
Try reading the post instead of just the title.