Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

What's the story behind your username?

Why did you choose the username that you did?


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    BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Posts: 2,233 ★★★★★
    My IGN:- Emperor L Drago
    When I was kid Beyblade became my fav show. There was most OP character in that trilogy named Rayuga. He owned most powerful and most dangerous bey called L drago and strongest emerged was Emperor L drago. Fascinated by name and it's cool powers I used this name for every game I ever played

    My forum name
    Since my IGN wasn't available here. I love to watch anime. One piece is one of my fav. There's the gag Character Called Buggy clown. But in fact he have some mysteries behind him. Buggy D Clown is actually a meme name by adding D in it as D is owned by most poweful /strong individuals in the series.
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    JahnybravoJahnybravo Posts: 69
    Mashed Jah and Johnny Bravo together
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    VendemiaireVendemiaire Posts: 2,178 ★★★★★
    One of the months in the French Revolution calendar. They are also the name of the moves of one of my favorite character in King of Fighters, Ash Crimson. Sounded cool, took it.
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    odishika123odishika123 Posts: 5,391 ★★★★★
    A name given to me by a very special someone
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    TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    I'm horribly unoriginal.

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    ADwar616ADwar616 Posts: 76
    My favourite Marvel character is Adam Warlock. Always used ADwar as my gamer tag(made it short due to character restrictions). Had to use a number as it was already taken on some other game... Decided to go with 616 coz... You know. And it's been the same for quite a few years now.
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    FightingHornetFightingHornet Posts: 51
    so, i worked for Hank Pym after graduated from University, i always suspected that he is the 'ANT-MAN', but he never really admitted it. long story short i became the head of R&D division in his company, and later i developed my own shrinking serum, and i became FIGHTING HORNET.....

    wait....sorry...that's YELLOW JACKET...but nevermind... :(
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    Luke9523Luke9523 Posts: 917 ★★★
    edited April 2021
    ADwar616 said:

    Decided to go with 616 coz... You know. And it's been the same for quite a few years now.

    @ADwar616 Did you go with 616 because of Marvel's Earth-616 or the number of the beast?? Curious.
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    The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★

    Faseeh said:

    My wife had a cat who was very fluffy. She snorted like a little piggy when she ate her food. I called her the Fluffy Pig Monster. She begged for ham and turkey when we made sandwiches. She snorted like a piggy when she had a nibble of those too. A little sweetie.

    "had" . Aw man :(
    She died about 3 years ago, but lives on in MCOC!
    Never had a pet but it really stings to loose a loved pet. : (
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    FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★

    Faseeh said:

    My wife had a cat who was very fluffy. She snorted like a little piggy when she ate her food. I called her the Fluffy Pig Monster. She begged for ham and turkey when we made sandwiches. She snorted like a piggy when she had a nibble of those too. A little sweetie.

    "had" . Aw man :(
    She died about 3 years ago, but lives on in MCOC!
    Never had a pet but it really stings to loose a loved pet. : (
    Best thing we can do is remember the positives of all those who we loved. Both people and pets.

    I will say, some names in MCOC are very creative. There are some that I love repeating.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,860 ★★★★★
    Luke9523 said:

    ADwar616 said:

    Decided to go with 616 coz... You know. And it's been the same for quite a few years now.

    ... or the number of the beast?? Curious.
    Iron maiden were wrong all these years?
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    IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Posts: 1,638 ★★★★
    It’s been my name for most games because I thought it sounded cool as a kid.
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