Not received AQ Compensation

Already a while ago they said that they would give rewards for the alliance bug but until now my alliance and me did not receive :(


  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,979 ★★★★★
    A couple of things:

    (1) Did your ally receive any rewards? Were you put into the wrong tier? Hard to say what should be due to you without knowing more.
    (2) Kabam Vydious suggested our only recourse is to go to Support. She also noted that they have been apprised of the situation and should be able to help.

    Hope that helps.

    Dr. Zola
  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    I also didn't receive AQ compensation. Only found out about compensation when I logged into my other account which got it, but my main account didn't.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,240 ★★★
    None here either and support just shut my ticket down without an answer except wait. Horrible customer service.
  • vicspectrovicspectro Member Posts: 3
    DrZola wrote: »
    A couple of things:

    (1) Did your ally receive any rewards? Were you put into the wrong tier? Hard to say what should be due to you without knowing more.
    (2) Kabam Vydious suggested our only recourse is to go to Support. She also noted that they have been apprised of the situation and should be able to help.

    Hope that helps.

    Dr. Zola

    Yes, My alliance was in the wrong tier fighting against alliances stronger than she, so I went to another and came back to her and received nothing
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,979 ★★★★★
    There is absolutely zero help from Support for anyone who was unlucky enough to start in a new alliance the week of the AQ Tier error. I should know—I’ve swapped 3 emails with them in the past 4 hours.

    I am in the ironic situation of running Map 6/5 in an alliance wrongly demoted the week of the glitch but, because I was in a vacation alliance the week prior, I am entitled to nothing but the few Map 3 crystals we got as milestones. Meanwhile, the alliance mate whose place I took and who went to the same vacation alliance the week of the glitch received Map 6/5 crystals and the usual Expert glory—but didn’t open an AQ map all week.

    The upshot is this: the error was not my error. I’m perfectly fine with being ineligible for rank rewards with blackout prohibitions. What I’m not okay with is getting crummy milestones while everyone else who put in the same effort gets what they deserve.

    Support tells me the this is essentially the game “working as intended.” That’s short hand for “go away and be silent.”

    If @Kabam Miike is on, perhaps he could comment on how the game team arrived at this brilliant resolution of the AQ tier issue?

    Specifically, he may want to comment on how this piece from Support squares with anything the game team decided to do:

    “Rectifying this situation has been a big priority for us, and we apologize for not being able to offer more frequent updates on this issue, but we’ve been very busy trying to find the root cause, and then find a way to rectify the imbalances that it caused. Because this affected different Alliances in different ways, it was not simple to come up with a “one size fits all” solution, but we have a plan in place that we can share with all of you.”

    Take your time, @Kabam Miike. I’ve been waiting three weeks for the resolution.

    Dr. Zola
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,979 ★★★★★
    Here’s the official position from Support, neatly contained in a cut and paste email:


    I wouldn’t expect anything further from Support or the forums. Basically, the game team made a significant mistake and then dissembled for over a week about coming up with a fair solution. And then they compounded their error for a set of players. And, at this point (apart from Vydious), they frankly do not care.

    One need look no further than instances like this to understand the origin of all the venom and mistrust on these forums.

    Dr. Zola
  • MagMag Member Posts: 11
    Day 20 (Literally): Kabam has still not given us the AQ rewards we earned.

    I can't believe I had to register just for this but come on it's getting ridiculous. I'm still with just the 1 rewards message and not the message which contains all the milestones we worked hard to earn. Most members of the alliance received the full rewards. It's amazing to see only DrZola actually care for this while the rest of people (we are a lot of them) got tired and accepted their fate or maybe switched on a different game.

    @DrZola I also contacted Support as they told us. Guess what, I have received the exact same response. I didn't think they were this lazy, it's my first ticket, I just had to see for myself. If they actually care and understand our frustration then why does everyone receive the same response? I'm not even sure what to make of it, "wait some more and we'll send it" or "nothing's happening get lost".

    It's truly amazing how simple the solution can be. As simple as their copy-paste response procedure:
    - A Player says they haven't received full or any of the rewards they earned at the time of the incident, while other people received them.
    - Kabam looks into player's records to see if what they say is correct.
    - Kabam presses the magic button and the message with the rewards is delivered to that specific player.
    - Repeat for the rest of players that asked for this and move on to the rest of the game issues.

    Not receiving them at all is unacceptable. We don't have to call them liars or anything, but their actions and words do. If you fix it for many players why don't you fix it for the rest too? You think people are crazy spending their time to post for this again and again? Or do you not find it a serious issue? Personally I am losing interest on some game progression after this. The rewards are already so limited every loss seems big. Just do the right thing and send them already it's been too long, you only damage your already damaged player base.
  • SkymastrSkymastr Member Posts: 46
    Like i say before somewhere dont remember; who got two mails gratz even some ppl got both rewards without in any ally this time line (ye i saw that to) rest of us just got kabammed.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    Same here
    Its a fault on there part and even we issued tickets they didn't respond to us
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    My alliance didn’t get any but we didn’t get put in the wrong tier. Hence, why we didn’t get any and shouldn’t get any. Not every alliance was supposed to receive it
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,979 ★★★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    My alliance didn’t get any but we didn’t get put in the wrong tier. Hence, why we didn’t get any and shouldn’t get any. Not every alliance was supposed to receive it

    True. But you have the issue where players who left an alliance for whatever reason (vacation, time off, kicked, etc.) got full rewards for a week they didn’t play. And players who joined an adversely affected alliance during the glitch week got basically zilch.

    Overall, the fix remedied most and over rewarded some, but the ones who were affected but didn’t get fixed got a raw deal.

    Dr. Zola
  • MagMag Member Posts: 11
    Surprise we're still waiting. So are we being complete idiots for waiting so long for some rewards we legitimately earned like everyone else? What else does it take to get them? @Kabam Miike Tag all the moderators? Make a 30-page thread? Send Support Tickets back and forth just chatting with a mindless bot with no result? Or maybe turn to Google Play Store and other authorities?

    I've even pmed @Kabam Miike my case with no response. It's amazing they can do things like sending a Champion to specific accounts temporarily for a few days then remove it, but yet they can't just send the rewards players earned weeks ago!!
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