Were We Playing Guardian Wrong?

When I was first learning about playing Guardian, I always heard people say that I should go for the sp1 and then the sp2 for shorter fights, and for longer fights, I should go for the sp3 to build charges and then launch a massive sp2. Everyone was saying this, so I never really questioned it... until now
I ended up finding that for a damage rotation, the sp3 rotation isn't the fastest for longer fights. This is primarily because of that long special 3 animation, but the results were definitely surprising.
Before people jump to disagree, there are a few things I want to clear up. Even though the sp1 to sp2 rotation yields better damage in shorter bursts, there are definitely times where the sp3 rotation will be more ideal. For example, fights where you want 100% uptime on your armor up buff for its utility, and fights like selective timestream where you need to burst the opponent down quickly.
In other scenarios though (and especially when unawakened), I think the community may have jumped the gun in prioritizing the sp2 damage burst for longer fights (although I could be wrong).
This isn't 100% tested (I've done quite a few rounds to support this hypothesis) so I'm curious to hear what you all think

I ended up finding that for a damage rotation, the sp3 rotation isn't the fastest for longer fights. This is primarily because of that long special 3 animation, but the results were definitely surprising.
Before people jump to disagree, there are a few things I want to clear up. Even though the sp1 to sp2 rotation yields better damage in shorter bursts, there are definitely times where the sp3 rotation will be more ideal. For example, fights where you want 100% uptime on your armor up buff for its utility, and fights like selective timestream where you need to burst the opponent down quickly.
In other scenarios though (and especially when unawakened), I think the community may have jumped the gun in prioritizing the sp2 damage burst for longer fights (although I could be wrong).
This isn't 100% tested (I've done quite a few rounds to support this hypothesis) so I'm curious to hear what you all think
testing winter soldier:
sp3 spam to sp2 around 3:35
sp1 to sp2 cycle around 3:05
Kidding. I almost never go to his sp3. Fights are done quick enough.
On lower health pools, I think that's fine to drop the armor.
I still think that Guardian is underrated. His energy resistance is crazy at max sig. V1 there are some horrible Magik and Electro fights. He eats those for breakfast. Especially the Magik fights with energize where I've not seen suitable counters other than Magik herself. (triggering limbo to counter limbo). Using any other power control like Doom or BWCV... they're nuked within a couple triggers of limbo. Guardian can easily solo those fights.