Abyss path 3

A_NAZA_NAZ Member Posts: 713 ★★★

My cheapest abyss path so far. 3 down, 2 to go 💪🏽


  • A_NAZA_NAZ Member Posts: 713 ★★★

    June 2020, I cleared my initial path. November 2020, I maintained that I would never be bothered to explore it. May 2021, 2 paths done in the last month to leave me with 2 more to go. Not so bad to do when spreading a path over the space of a few days 👌🏽😂
  • pete8388pete8388 Member Posts: 142 ★★
    Nice! What team did you use and any trouble fights? Looking at doing path 3 shortly myself
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  • A_NAZA_NAZ Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    pete8388 said:

    Nice! What team did you use and any trouble fights? Looking at doing path 3 shortly myself

    I took aegon (5*), torch (5*), doom (r3 6*), red mags (r3 6*) and heimdall.

    Trouble fights for me were luke cage (better than when I faced him on path 2 as I ramped aegon a little so he was over 50 combo going into the fight) and the collector.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,662 ★★★★★
    Would you say there is any point ramping Aegon more on Darkhawk (like using revives on Aegon), or is doing one run with Aegon and banking ~50 combo enough going into Luke Cage?
  • A_NAZA_NAZ Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    altavista said:

    Would you say there is any point ramping Aegon more on Darkhawk (like using revives on Aegon), or is doing one run with Aegon and banking ~50 combo enough going into Luke Cage?

    I’d say starting against luke cage with a 50 combo is a good minimum to plan with. It really depends on how comfortable you are with the luke fight. If you can get the heavy intercept technique down to a fairly consistent level then 50 is enough. Whenever I go for path 4, I think I’ll personally do a bit more ramping up with aegon (for path 3 I only did one fight vs dh, whereas I’d probably go for 3/4 fights next time) because it was just one of those fights I couldn’t quite get the technique down consistently enough.

    Hope that helps @altavista 💪🏽
  • MiniDoomMiniDoom Member Posts: 29
    As I said to naz in the prep, 1-3 revives on darkhawk with aegon, saved me so many on LC.. I was on about 300 combo by the time I reached LC, which made him and the next 2/3 fights a lot easier.

    Even one revive to get you like 80-100 combo, makes life a lot easier.
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