Who is best for Act 5.2, duped SW or Magik?

D_EYED_EYE Member Posts: 19
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
I can only take one to 5/50

Who is best for Act 5.2, duped SW or Magik? 25 votes

Scarlet Witch
CapWW2Danicb94supergokuSuperman69AshburnbuttersMr_mc_person34 7 votes
Etaki_LirakoiStavelotXoteGbSarkarJaffacakedErza_ScarletTheLazyKingSpity68AfridRocerVartoxSpeedbumpDarkmagic1991ShaheerFIazMenkentKorporate_KurtAsmodeyusSpawn57edder123 18 votes


  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    What sig are they?
  • D_EYED_EYE Member Posts: 19
    Oh sorry Magik is about 60 but SW I'll have to use a generic awakening on and then I can get her to 60/70 too, just don't know if worth it, cheers
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    I wouldn't use a generic gem on SW if I was in your place but it all depends on which champs you already have awakened
  • D_EYED_EYE Member Posts: 19
    Thanks for that Gb I was trying to avoid it but like Seatin still calls her god tier and it will take me forever to get 3 more mystic T4CC not being in a top team, so I've been torn.
  • supergokusupergoku Member Posts: 41
    Scarlet Witch
    i've fight the collector using SW
  • D_EYED_EYE Member Posts: 19
    Thank you for all the votes. A huge help, thanks!
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    Personally, Magik and for these reasons.

    SW powers can be all over the place, ive had mine awakened for a year now, never once procd regen. Friend of mine has her, procs regen 2-4 stacks at a time like ita a freaking pez despenser. My luck sucks.

    Magiks abilities can be controled to your liking. 2nd Ult, power steal, power drain, and power lock can be godly, hell the degen from limbo there is just bonus

    Limbo degen damage cant be nullified, dispelled, or removed, or soaked/blocked.

    Limbo means if you screw up and get hit and dont die, you recover the hit damage. Works well to seriously delay suicide mastery builds as well, as those damages are reversed as well giving her better longevity.

    Just my opinions, take it as you will and best of luck
  • D_EYED_EYE Member Posts: 19
    Thank you very much for writing Asmodeyus. It helps. SW has so much hype, and her crit nullify is useful.
    But I’m going to go with Magik: 14 votes to 6.
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