30 min timers

So taoday android users can't go in and for the ones who was going for basic it's now pointless
When aq starts only a few can join leaving the rest of players alone
U stoped the aq and started it after 4 h
As a player who has been playing this game i am asking the kabam team how i the hell euro timezone allys can finish aq ...realy i want to know how u do ur math
For many it is 1 am and they probably sleeping and since is saturday they will wake up late .
Thank u kabam u defenetly gainned back our trust
Ps: english is not my language so for the grammer police i will say sorry
When aq starts only a few can join leaving the rest of players alone
U stoped the aq and started it after 4 h
As a player who has been playing this game i am asking the kabam team how i the hell euro timezone allys can finish aq ...realy i want to know how u do ur math
For many it is 1 am and they probably sleeping and since is saturday they will wake up late .
Thank u kabam u defenetly gainned back our trust
Ps: english is not my language so for the grammer police i will say sorry