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Advanced Mastery Setup

This is my mastery setup. I am quite happy with it but there may still be room for improvements. I don't plan to run suicides and my roster is not mystic-heavy so please keep that in mind. Should I max despair or willpower? Or would you rather put more points in proficiencies or other defense stuff? Right now if I keep willpower I only have the second and not as important point in courage left to spend. I became cavalier some weeks ago, my strongest champs are 5/65 Aegon (nearly max sig), 5/65 Sunspot, 5/65 Venom, 5/65 Domino, 5/65 Stark Spidey and 5/55 Rulk. PI is not the most important thing here.

Advanced Mastery Setup 12 votes

Max despair, Willpower without suicides isn't worth it
Barani7da 1 vote
Max despair but try to keep that one point in Willpower
ScrubhanLlessurErehh_Yeager 3 votes
Max willpower
DretlleSkjornCLUEMANATTISuper_Cretu90 4 votes
Put more points in proficiencies (which ones?)
Put more points in defense (which ones?)
Leave it as it is, the rework is not necessary/ not worth the units
Sparx265legrind 2 votes
I'd rather improve something else (please point out in comments)
Param1988Dawnbringer_1 2 votes


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    Barani7daBarani7da Posts: 663 ★★
    Max despair, Willpower without suicides isn't worth it
    Sorry for the wrong vote. Max out willpower.
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    Param1988Param1988 Posts: 61
    I'd rather improve something else (please point out in comments)
    1. Since you don't have any strong bleed champs except Venom, I would keep Deep wounds at max 3 and add those 2 points to dispair
    2. Also, would keep 1 point in Salve and adjust those 2 points in either willpower or petrify.
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    LlessurLlessur Posts: 488 ★★★
    Max despair but try to keep that one point in Willpower
    Max despair but pull from salve
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    AndyBeardoAndyBeardo Posts: 180
    Thanks guys but don't you need 15 points in defense in order to get Willpower? So two less in Salve wouldn't work?
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    The_beast123The_beast123 Posts: 2,053 ★★★★
    Why do you run maxed out 'Deep wounds' and 'Assassin'?
    I don't know as to why you have points in 'Stand your ground' too. Just a safety net?
    I'd say withdraw 2 points from both Deep wounds and Assassin, and Stand your Ground too.
    Use them to max both Despair and Willpower. To max out Willpower, you'll need 4 points, 2 in Willpower itself, and 2 for energy and physical resistance, each one.

    I might sound crazy, but I really don't find a need for 'Stand your Ground' When it comes to everyday questing.
    Deep wounds, I probably guess it's for Domino and Aegon? Venom does has bleeds too, but those too have more potent bleeds.
    Assassin is totally a probability game IMO.

    Nevertheless, the decision of removing 2 points from Assassin and Deep wounds totally depends on your questing team, needs, and etc.
    But for Stand your Ground, I'd say you can use them elsewhere.
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    AndyBeardoAndyBeardo Posts: 180

    Why do you run maxed out 'Deep wounds' and 'Assassin'?
    I don't know as to why you have points in 'Stand your ground' too. Just a safety net?
    I'd say withdraw 2 points from both Deep wounds and Assassin, and Stand your Ground too.
    Use them to max both Despair and Willpower. To max out Willpower, you'll need 4 points, 2 in Willpower itself, and 2 for energy and physical resistance, each one.

    I might sound crazy, but I really don't find a need for 'Stand your Ground' When it comes to everyday questing.
    Deep wounds, I probably guess it's for Domino and Aegon? Venom does has bleeds too, but those too have more potent bleeds.
    Assassin is totally a probability game IMO.

    Nevertheless, the decision of removing 2 points from Assassin and Deep wounds totally depends on your questing team, needs, and etc.
    But for Stand your Ground, I'd say you can use them elsewhere.

    Last time I changed the setup was probably more than a year ago when I was using more bleed champs like X23, Blade and Gwenpool so that's for the deep wounds part. Assassin was probably based on some youtuber's recommendation in a video if I remember correctly. Imo it works well to finish off strong opponents. Stand ur ground was meant as a safety net although I might erase those two points and put them elsewhere now.
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    Param1988Param1988 Posts: 61
    edited May 2021
    I'd rather improve something else (please point out in comments)

    Thanks guys but don't you need 15 points in defense in order to get Willpower? So two less in Salve wouldn't work?

    yeah, you are right about 15 points for willpower. I have 1 point in Salve and 1 each in energy/physical resistance just to fill the spot.
    1. but, I would definitely remove a couple of points from Deep wounds and max dispair instead.
    2, Also, you don't need 5 points in assasin as it affects only when fighting against champs who are 18% or below health. would keep Max 2-3 points in it and put the remaining in either willpower/petrify.
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    Dawnbringer_1Dawnbringer_1 Posts: 262 ★★
    I'd rather improve something else (please point out in comments)
    The assassin mastery isn’t as effective in normal content since health pools are a lot lower. I would only max it for something like Abyss. Also, until you have a bleeder like nick fury or something you don’t really need max deep wounds. Aside from maxing out willpower with a few of those points the rest would be personal preference though. Maybe a few in Mystic dispersion after you get a few good mystic champs or something. Despair is pretty situational so you could put some there but healing is not often a big problem nowadays.
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