Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


What happened to Deadpool's exclusive arena?
It's been more than a year since the last arena.


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    Justice_Evo_8Justice_Evo_8 Posts: 213 ★★
    Hopefully they will do a 5* version instead. Would be epic. I could see scores breaking records.
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    JustBeFineJustBeFine Posts: 31
    SInce long time we don't saw Deapool on Arena... 4* or 5* we waited him since Loooooooong time....

    Any plan Miike/adora/mods/kabam... ?
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    Tiara321SaltinessTiara321Saltiness Posts: 12
    Sell the red deadpool for unit instead of arena
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    Vdh2008Vdh2008 Posts: 966 ★★★★
    10K Units 4 star
    50K Units 5 star


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    A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Posts: 762 ★★
    number 1 score= 100 million points
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    Tiara321SaltinessTiara321Saltiness Posts: 12
    Arena is out of control right now too much work, they should consider give champ as milestone but we know kabam never happen they want all player compete with each other
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    JSnookJSnook Posts: 219
    edited May 2017
    Arena is out of control right now too much work, they should consider give champ as milestone but we know kabam never happen they want all player compete with each other

    Actually the new arenas are not out of control right now. The problem seems to be more of a lack of participation. In the Basic Arena 1-10% get the champ. This last round with GR, I scored 3.4 mil and ranked 12,414. That placed me out of the top 10%. This mean less than 124,140 scored above 150k points in a game that I am sure participation levels escalate above 600k easily.
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    Tiara321SaltinessTiara321Saltiness Posts: 12
    edited May 2017
    I know that a lot of player quit and not a lot of people helping to participate cause they think is not worth their time, if kabam would do something nice for all of us I pretty sure everyone like to join arena and have fun but that not the case
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    Romo790Romo790 Posts: 139
    Add deadpool to the sad looking loyalty store! Not that this will actually happen but I can dream...... rp5sqwu39702.jpg
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    JSnookJSnook Posts: 219
    I know that a lot of player quit and not a lot of people helping to participate cause they think is not worth their time, if kabam would do something nice for all of us I pretty sure everyone like to join arena and have fun but that not the case

    What do they need to do that they haven't done? The new arenas are great and make the basic champ actually attainable by your average Joe now. The rank rewards are considerably better than they were previously. People are just looking for excuses.
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    Justice_Evo_8Justice_Evo_8 Posts: 213 ★★
    JSnook wrote: »
    Arena is out of control right now too much work, they should consider give champ as milestone but we know kabam never happen they want all player compete with each other

    Actually the new arenas are not out of control right now. The problem seems to be more of a lack of participation. In the Basic Arena 1-10% get the champ. This last round with GR, I scored 3.4 mil and ranked 12,414. That placed me out of the top 10%. This mean less than 124,140 scored above 150k points in a game that I am sure participation levels escalate above 600k easily.

    If they would fix their game then maybe more would participate. I login for aw and aq. That is pretty much it. I have sat at 70 energy for a long time and haven't did an arena in a while. It's not worth it to me. Our completion score is the lowest we have ever had. I have zero motivation to play and people are starting to retire left and right. Never ending bugs. If the next update doesn't fix a majority of the bugs introduced recently it will be devastating to the game.
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    WittyWitty Posts: 38
    I think Deadpool should be a trophy character given to players for being the first to do something, for example: the first to finish the next challenge gets a five star once the challenge ends. Either that or an arena, which honestly wouldn't be bad, except I'd definitely not get him, ever.
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    JSnookJSnook Posts: 219
    JSnook wrote: »
    Arena is out of control right now too much work, they should consider give champ as milestone but we know kabam never happen they want all player compete with each other

    Actually the new arenas are not out of control right now. The problem seems to be more of a lack of participation. In the Basic Arena 1-10% get the champ. This last round with GR, I scored 3.4 mil and ranked 12,414. That placed me out of the top 10%. This mean less than 124,140 scored above 150k points in a game that I am sure participation levels escalate above 600k easily.

    If they would fix their game then maybe more would participate. I login for aw and aq. That is pretty much it. I have sat at 70 energy for a long time and haven't did an arena in a while. It's not worth it to me. Our completion score is the lowest we have ever had. I have zero motivation to play and people are starting to retire left and right. Never ending bugs. If the next update doesn't fix a majority of the bugs introduced recently it will be devastating to the game.

    Do you think your are in the majority? I understand some are fed up, understandably; but to quit all aspects of the game except a few is ridiculous. Quit the important ones would make more of a statement.
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    Has deadpool arenas been back since 2017?
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    WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Posts: 1,366 ★★★★

    Has deadpool arenas been back since 2017?

    Never seen one and I was playing daily since I have joined 2018.
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,036 ★★★★★

    SInce long time we don't saw Deapool on Arena... 4* or 5* we waited him since Loooooooong time....

    Any plan Miike/adora/mods/kabam... ?

    At first I was like why is my man here calling for adora, she hasn't been around for years. Then I saw how old this thread is. Why did someone necro a 4 year old thread lmfao.
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    ItsDamienItsDamien Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    SInce long time we don't saw Deapool on Arena... 4* or 5* we waited him since Loooooooong time....

    Any plan Miike/adora/mods/kabam... ?

    At first I was like why is my man here calling for adora, she hasn't been around for years. Then I saw how old this thread is. Why did someone necro a 4 year old thread lmfao.
    Yeah that confused the hell out of me
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,375 ★★★★★
    ....and from the beyond, a Thread emerged.
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