[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • melmenartmelmenart Member Posts: 24
    This is old video, but issues are the same
  • idanidan Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: InYourDream
    Device and Model: Vivo y12
    Device Operating System: Android version 11
    Game Version Installed: Latest
    Game Mode: Alliance quest
    Description of the Issue: these issues makes me angry..please fix it. When during fight the loading screen are freeze and sometimes i lost my connection in the middle of fight, then i lost half of health too. Please kabam3 fix it.. i wont to quit this game
  • Danklacrank1Danklacrank1 Member Posts: 61
    I upgraded from a Samsung a10e to a new Samsung a21 and now just aq mp5 fights wont load on wifi or cellular data. When I hit the fight button the screen freezes and timer stops. Then about 20sec later it goes to the loading screen where it stays never loading the fight. I have tried multiple weeks of aq and even when I have a champ low health and can afford to risk it not loading as it takes half health. I've also tried reinstalling the game nothing seems to work. The weird thing is mp3 works with my mini works and all other game modes work fine maybe its just mp5 with my google account idk but I just wanted you guys to be aware of this issues. Lag and dropped inputs have also been a problem but im sure you guys are already working on that. thanks your truly, faithful summoner lol
  • PackalunchPackalunch Member Posts: 1
    I have a Samsung Galaxy Android and having the same problems when Fighting altogether ( quest, War, Arena, you name it) it crashes and I have to restart only to see half my energy is gone! Please fix issue been happening for over a Few months! I spend too much money to keep paying for Units to get my health back! I addicted to this Game That I Love But now I have to think about staying or Leaving! I know this wasn't designed to work this way or is it???
    Please Assist with this issue:-(
  • ReedlawReedlaw Member Posts: 2

    In-Game Name: Reedlaw
    Device and Model: Motorola G6 Play
    Device Operating System: Android 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Both cellular & wifi
    Game Version Installed: 30.2.1 version
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: The game crashes at various times, some during the matching-up screen (the flying boulders in the background glitch and freeze, followed by the game crashing), sometimes it crashes when loading the fight which results in my characters health being lost. I have also noticed that 90% of the time, when I log back in there is always a in-game notification (is this triggering the crashes?). Also, I've felt the device heating up only when I play this game. All other apps work fine, just this app.
    This crashing happens practically all the time and is making the game impossible to play.
  • EagleWarriorEagleWarrior Member Posts: 3
    Arenalarda o kadar çok donma ve oyundan atma meydana geliyor ki oyunu bir türlü oynayamıyoruz. Ya bu sorunu düzeltin ya da şirketi kapatın gitsin
  • Ps_cr7Ps_cr7 Member Posts: 296 ★★
    In-Game Name: ps.cr7
    Device and Model: oneplus 7
    Device Operating System: 11.0
    Game Version Installed: 31.0.0
    Game Mode: event quest,arena
    Description of the Issue: main issue for me is arena lost my win streak because game stuck in the fight. One time, I won the fight but it was not going to the next fight, so I closed and opened the app again, and it showed that I lost.
    In act 6, side quests and event quests, I have faced this. The game gets stuck for a second.
  • Ps_cr7Ps_cr7 Member Posts: 296 ★★
    In-Game name: ps.cr7
    Device and model: one plus 7
    Device operating system: Android 11.0
    Cellular or WIFI: Both
    Game version: 31.0.0
    Game Mode: event quest,arena
    Description of the Issue: main issue for me is arena lost my win streak because game stuck in the fight. One time, I won the fight but it was not going to the next fight, so I closed and opened the app again, and it showed that I lost.
    In act 6, side quests and event quests, I have faced this. The game gets stuck for a second
  • armyscartrangearmyscartrange Member Posts: 3
    Army S. Witch

    Xiaomi Redmi Note 9

    Android 10


    Last Version (May 03rd)

    During Alliance War and Alliance Quests. When entering to the game.

    Connection error: Since the previous update of MCOC I've been having this issue: "check your internet connection", this have made me lost half of live and bonus 'cause is considered as a KO fight.

    This only happens when using WiFi, but is the only net I can use by the moment since I'm at home all 24/7. Please work on it, I'm an Official and I'm responsable for being active and open quests.

  • BzeeBzee Member Posts: 258 ★★
    In game name : BZee91
    Device: vivo 1904
    Cellular wifi both
    Android version 11

    The game ia becoming unplayable due to intense lag. I am losing my champs during questing ...lost my champs in Aq the other day ... due to excessive lag in game while fighting... Occasional unwanted heavy attacks in between normal combo causing problems.... Pls help
  • Te_mato_y4Te_mato_y4 Member Posts: 1
    In-game name: [ejes] te mato ya
    Device and model: Galaxy J7 SM-J700M
    Device operating system: Android 6.0.1
    Cellular or WIFI: WIFI
    Game version installed: 31.0
    Game mode: AQ – AW – Incursions – Story Quests
    Description of the issue: It crashes very often, mostly when I start the fight and during the fight. In both cases the game restarts and my champ, he loses 50% of health while the opponent doesn´t lose any. It seems to happen when a message or the calendar prices come. Playing incursion sometimes the game freezes at the beginning and the end of the fight.
    I hope you find a solution because in AQ and AW it has big consequences in the results. In incursions does not allow to enjoy this game mode because I lose 50% of health like in the alliance modes, in this case I must wait a few days to play again with those champs.
  • justRazjustRaz Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: justRaZ
    Device and Model: Samsung s10e
    Device Operating System: Android 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Both.
    Game Version Installed: 31
    Game Mode: All game modes, especially incursions, aq and war.
    Description of the Issue: In the last 2 months it started more and more often to get stuck for several times each fight and as a result unwanted heavy attacks happen to appear from nowhere. Some times in aq and war when i press fight the game freezes (then restart and lose 50% health) , also the same things happen with prefight ability on human torch( i think he is not the only one ), after activating the ability and close the tab it freezes, then i need to restart de game.
  • winja140winja140 Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: winja140
    Device and Model: Samsung A9 2018
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both.
    Game Version Installed: last one
    long waitings before joining the fight in aq. lost half health for not entering. need to fix this one as its getting worse every update.
  • ABLE_G19ABLE_G19 Member Posts: 18
    In-game name - IAmAble
    Device name - Samsung A12
    Device O.S - Android 10
    Game version installed - May 3rd
    Cellular or WiFi - both
    Game mode - AQ
    Can't play AQ. It freezes when I click fight and starts loading indefinitely. And when I quit it after about 10 mins of waiting, I come back with half health and try again and still cannot fight. Pls I need this to fix this urgently as I'm in a high level alliance and will be kicked soon.
  • Felix33Felix33 Member Posts: 47
    In-Game Name: felix33
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Note 8
    Device Operating System: Android 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 31.0.0
    Game Mode: During fights. No matter what content
    Description of the Issue: Since last month's update, I have been experiencing this problem where the game just freezes during the fights. Sometimes it's less than a second barely noticeable but frequency and duration is increasing. Couple times a fight 3-4 seconds. It's not a consistent problem, doesnt occur every fight but when it does...
  • Kenny1887Kenny1887 Member Posts: 15
    In game name-kenny1887
    Device and model-Samsung galaxy a20
    Device operating system- android 10
    Cell or wifi- both
    Game version - 31.0, newest
    Game mode- all
    Description of issue- game lag, freezing during fights, and having to restart game every 5-10 mins of play or if switching from any game mode, arena to aq, or questing,etc. This has been an issue for months and every update the time that I have to restart app gets shorter now to the point I cant even finish a path without having to worry about game causing me to lose a fight, game is pretty much unplayable and unenjoyable for me anymore.
  • BashflowBashflow Member Posts: 2
    I have android 8+ and always pauses or fighter will just stop moving. It does it alot but mostly during AW and AQ. I have been playing for a few years and sometimes when it does it I almost just delete game because it is very frustrating
  • Dex_RebırthDex_Rebırth Member Posts: 45
    there is a lot of lag whenever a fight is finished and during the fight the game freezes for a few seconds
  • jp2835jp2835 Member Posts: 147
    In-Game Name: F145HV111
    Device and Model: REALME C11
    Device Operating System: 10.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 31.0.1
    Game Mode: In Alliance quests.
    Description of the Issue: when tap on fight button , game freeze for a minute and then instead of getting in fights it just keeps loading for hours and hours , i disconnect or force close app results in 50% hp reduction. Other modes work properly so there's no issue of RAM or storage or network etc.
  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 410
    edited May 2021

    Experiencing this issue currently - From the login home screen, when I tap on Alliance tab or Help widget, it opens the next screen without the alliance content or help content. Tried logging out and logging in a couple of times, still same issues. Such a waste of time. C'mon guys, get the basics right at least.
  • Strider_911Strider_911 Member Posts: 9
    Game I'd: strider.911
    Regis. Email : amandeip@gmail.com
    Device : Samsung Galaxy S20+

    I've downloaded the latest version of the game. The device now heats up like crazy. Also game is lagging like crazy. Also Nivk Fury has an issue where he loses his LMD immediately and comes to 30%.
  • mygomygo Member Posts: 6
    first posting to this problem was in november 2019 and the problems got actually worse...so more than one year now and actually nothing happened.....kabam????
  • Kabam LotoKabam Loto Moderator Posts: 1,997

    Hello @mygo. Thank you for the follow-up on the problem with Android devices. Please contact the support team for more information on the compatibility.
  • KhushhalKhushhal Member Posts: 51
    In-Game Name: khushhalabrol
    Device and Model: Samsung note 9
    Device Operating System: 9.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? Both i mainly use wifi
    Game Version Installed: 31.0.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War. All
    Description of the Issue: screen freeze during fights in all arena , story and side quest..
    Have to restart game again and again..
  • Raginglung81Raginglung81 Member Posts: 1
    There seems to be a new bug at moment where you can't gain any power in any game mode. I'm using android.
  • Dilanrod13Dilanrod13 Member Posts: 5
    I cannot gain any power either on any game mode. I’m using an IPhone
  • azaan9002azaan9002 Member Posts: 16
    Well i did installed the lastest update and after it gets done it is stuck there saying updating but doesn't seem to open or show any other notification i have android 11 device name redmi note 10 the connection i use is of wifi very strong connection please help me.
  • MontasimMontasim Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Montasim
    Device and Model: Redmi S2
    Device Operating System: 9
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 31.0.1
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: After entering into the game after 10/12 minutes later game lags start and exit the game. This is going on since the previous update (previous month).
    Hoping for a solution badly ☹️
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