Looking for lower members and mini accounts

Hi. I currently run 2 alliances. I am looking for lower rated members and/ or mini accounts to join my mini alliance. We currently run 2 BG's at map2 with heroic mods. We would like to fill up to run 3 BG's. We are very active usually completing AQ with 1600-1700 in glory rewards. We run 1 BG of AW and as of right now are at sil2. We require line for communication and our alli chat consists of members from both alliances. Great alliance to learn and grow with the possibility of moving to main alliance when you can (given, the space is available).

Again, line is required.

If you are interested in joining, please.message me on line @Keninja77

Thank you.


  • Keninja77Keninja77 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2021

  • Keninja77Keninja77 Member Posts: 60
    New members too. We just want to have players that are active and willing to learn.
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