Is 5 Star Magneto trash or good?

ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
I pulled a 5 star Magneto out of my 5 star hero crystal, is he good?

Is 5 Star Magneto trash or good? 102 votes

Maximus_Spankersoncatx_llamaJcmdawgVision_41Mister_FaceHal_2001TROUBL3DDarkrider05Leepower12Anonymous346buttersKocheeseZenioTaiphoon_zeroMr_mc_person34SCAREwatchingyousleeVigotheCarpathianedder123senorpadron 22 votes
HES DOG ****
Vdh2008FlazinatorShrimkinsDrZolaRandomlyGeneratedLeNoirFaineantTBJ1118StrategicSMiller80Indrick781AjavedRaganatorStefffLoPrestiNyaleAntgeo1CapWW2Deadbyrd9SteelCurtainMUTYellsome 80 votes


  • Leepower12Leepower12 Member Posts: 61
    He's good I duped my 5* about a week or so ago
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    If there was something in the game that canceled every champs signature ability he would be ok.

    His awakened ability is near useless. Can't remember the last time I lost more than 30% of my health to a single source.
  • BUZZdog3000BUZZdog3000 Member Posts: 457 ★★
    he is mid tier
  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★
    5* mags is an essential synergy component. Anyone who did LOL knows :)
  • TempestTempest Member Posts: 295
    HES DOG ****
    He is not bad IMO. Other than the synergies, his L2 is sometimes tricky to evade. I guess it depends on how advanced you are. If I was overflowing with cats, I might take him to R3 so he can still do a little damage when he's along for the ride on a synergy team. But otherwise, he's meh.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    HES DOG ****
    The reason most champs are considered trash is due to t2a. If you can't ever rank them past r3 then they are essentially just 4 stars with a different border.
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    If there was something in the game that canceled every champs signature ability he would be ok.

    His awakened ability is near useless. Can't remember the last time I lost more than 30% of my health to a single source.

    Wasn't he the original deathproof before GP and Iceman? I'm liking him on defense for the node that only lets you do special damage since they won't be able to one shot him there. He also gets unblockable s2 from that node. Magnetism can screw up people in other ways on defense too, so he's not completely useless aside from synergy.
  • ZenioZenio Member Posts: 106
    All have their uses when duped, some more than others.
  • Antgeo1Antgeo1 Member Posts: 120
    HES DOG ****
    I cried when I pulled my Mags. Later when I duped him, I had to buy a new phone!

    ...and take anger management classes.

    ^^^same thing happened when I pulled my Iron Pee
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    KhanMedina wrote: »
    If there was something in the game that canceled every champs signature ability he would be ok.

    His awakened ability is near useless. Can't remember the last time I lost more than 30% of my health to a single source.

    Wasn't he the original deathproof before GP and Iceman? I'm liking him on defense for the node that only lets you do special damage since they won't be able to one shot him there. He also gets unblockable s2 from that node. Magnetism can screw up people in other ways on defense too, so he's not completely useless aside from synergy.

    He WAS good as part of the PB team. He WAS good when willpower had multiple stacks on the same rebuff in war with his heal block. He WAS good before his sp1 was nerfed.

    NOW he has some niche roles for some players but is a complete waste of precious upgrade components.

    And defense? Have you learned nothing about ranking champs just for defense after the big war change?? Lmao
  • Bullfighter77Bullfighter77 Member Posts: 68
    He has good synergies
  • RydertheblackRydertheblack Member Posts: 296
    5* mags is an essential synergy component. Anyone who did LOL knows :)

    Totally agree
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    HES DOG ****
    He's straight average, his damage is very mediocre and doesn't have abilities that make him excel in any situation. He has a decent heal block and damage block but there are lots of better heal block champions, damage dealers and power control/damage cap champions
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    HES DOG ****
    I have my 5* duped at sig 60 and every time I pull him I feel like visiting kabam HQ and smashing my phone on kabam's CEO's face!
    I hope that answers your question.
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    He's ok, he's not bad or good, just ok.

    He can lower ability accuracy because of his Magnetism passive, and when awakened he can survive special 3's and etc. He also does all energy damage on his auto attacks which helps bypass resistances on certain champions and he has a good synergy with the X-Men team (Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm).

    I wouldn't rank 4 him, but there are worse champions you could pull.
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    HES DOG ****
    He’s got decent abilities but I absolutely hate fighting with him. But can def be useful in some situations
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    A 5* is a 5*, but Magneto is pretty good, but when duped is really good. His bleed is normal, but Heal block might be reliable.
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  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    He's ok, he used to be way better before the Nerf like other champions and good for syengry and has a good 2nd move but that's about it unfortunately.
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    Holy deleted posts Batman!
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    Jestress wrote: »
    Read Magneto's special ability closer and you'll see how good he really is. One of the most underrated champs IMO.

    I'm missing something. Please explain.
  • SnakeEyes69SnakeEyes69 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    I've got him duped. He's great at keeping my bench warmed ;)
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    Not the worst pull but far from the best.

    It sucks when 5* shards are hard to get by regular play for regular folk and you end up with someone less than awesome but you'll be disappointed more often than not anyway so don't worry too much.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    HES DOG ****
    He would be good if he hit harder. His bleed is just OK and he has no power. He's OK for some fights.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I see a lot of comments on his synergies. I thought synergies are basically worthless now with how little they boost the team since the 12.0 update.

    Plus, why bring a champ on your team if you have no intention of using them? I'd rather have 5 reliable champs instead of 2 or 3 with a 5% boost to their armor...
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