What characters do you want to see as champions in 2018?

Please feel free to write in a vote if your choice isn't in this poll. It only lets me put 10 in, and I know there are a ton more champions I want to see in the game next year.
What characters do you want to see as champions in 2018? 201 votes
Black cat
Yeah, Green Goblin definitely should have been Science (and Doc Ock, imo), but I agree with you that Red Skull would have to be Science.
how can black cat be science please tell me. If she's in she would be skill.
Mutant - Apoloclypse or Mister Sinister
Skill - Shang-Chi (i really had to dig deep to find some Asian presence as there isn't much here)
Science - Sandman
Mystic - QuickSilver - (depends on how you look at him)
Cosmic - Stakar, I've said it before you don't cast Sylvester Stallone and put him on the bench.
Tech - Iron Man ffffffffff....7
List as many as you want in your post. The poll only lets me do 10 choices, and no multiple voting. Just post them.
Hmmm, I suppose it depends which versions of Felicia you want to go with. She was originally just extremely well trained and good at executing her stunts, which I would argue falls under the Skill category. However, Kingpin subjected her to some kind of "test" that made her capable of probability field manipulation (aka, hexes, or "bad luck" as needed), which would probably make that version of her Science (or Mystic, depending on what this "test" actually entail; I don't currently have access to that story). Lately, she seems like she's gone back to mostly working with her Skill based abilities, though there's been some reference to her ability to create bad luck at times, which again could make for the Science (or Mystic) classifications.
It's a toss-up, depending on which version of her you prefer and what skills she would emphasize during the Contest.
Black Cat-Skill
Iron Spider-Tech
Silver Surfer-Cosmic
Spider-Man 2099-Science
Her suit is cool
we need at least 5 for science. it has been forsaken for so long
Mr. Fantastic (Cosmic or Tech)
Squirrel Girl (Mutant or Science)
Cloak (Science)
Dagger (Science)
Nico Minoru (Mystic)
Molly Hayes (Mutant)
Spidey 2099 (Science)
Morbius (Science)
Emma Frost (Mutant)
Satana (Mystic)
Hobgoblin (Tech or Science)
Thing could be science as well, but kabam would make him cosmic I bet
Sandman and Lizard for Science
Beta Ray Bill for Cosmic
Bullseye for Skill
Any of several New Mutants for Mutant
Restore the old Dr. Strange for mystic
Dr. Zola
I hadn't considered Deathlok, but that'd be pretty cool.