Failing act 6.4.6 grandmaster again and again



  • KiritoSAOKiritoSAO Member Posts: 34
    Himmy619 said:

    I am bad at dexing , so everytime I dex grandmaster sp1 I get clipped by his unblocakable part and then I get wrecked .
    So I am thinking of another strategy that invloves lot of units. Ramping up my aegon till grandmaster fight . After that when grandmaster fight starts I will be using heavy to gain furies when grandmaster attacks and then hit him like a truck , also will be using heimdall to cheat death and hit grandmastee like a truck whenever I get clipped.
    By above method if I can take out around 100000 health each fight I can take out grandmaster in 4000 units.

    Is above stattegy possible ?

    if u dont understand the mechanic of the grandmaster go watch youtube videos of seatin lagacy brian grant mcoc noob kt1 , man there are so many ppl doing youtube and doing a really good explanation of the fight. I am really bad with inverted controls and i died 13 times at the grandmaster in my first try thanks to those youtubers. Dont waste your time/money/units on a "strategy" that clearly isnt going to work instead go and learn how the fight works.
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