Mr Negative 45 second RoL Wolv solo

Is this where I say Mr Negative is the science void? /s
Now I haven’t cracked his playstyle by any means, he’s tricky to play for sure but I’m looking forward to dedicating some time to really get to grips with him. In the meantime, have this 45 second takedown of Wolv. The days of letting him hit electro are long gone, here is the future.
Such a fun champ to play when you get off that massive degen!
Thanks man
I'm totally, definitely not jealous. At least that's what I'll keep telling myself
If anyone is interested in more Negative gameplay, I'll be doing more videos on him and interesting uses for him. He's a very safe Icarus counter for example!
I think Negative will have a really dedicated following of players who have mastered his abilities, but a large section won’t think twice about him. That’s how it tends to go with the sort of champs that don’t have the absolute biggest numbers and have high learning curves or are difficult to play