Doubtful. Just ask. @ a bunch of Kabam mods. @Kabam Miike does AV still bypass Iceman immunity and cause incinerate in LoL? We need to know before heading in please and thank you. If it is still bugged, fix ASAP. Iceman should NEVER be affected by bleed, poison, or incinerate.
IceMan is not immune to LOL AV incinerate as LOL opponents are not based on the same standard opponents u face in other areas of the game, Basically when they made LOL there was no IceMan and no incinerate Immune champ, so when they released IceMan they made him immune to the incinerate from standard opponents in the game but Kabam overlooked the different setup that is applied to LOL opponents. Just the same as how LOL opponents can still use the ‘lol evade’ ability even when IceMan has then under coldsnap.
IceMan is not immune to LOL AV incinerate as LOL opponents are not based on the same standard opponents u face in other areas of the game, Basically when they made LOL there was no IceMan and no incinerate Immune champ, so when they released IceMan they made him immune to the incinerate from standard opponents in the game but Kabam overlooked the different setup that is applied to LOL opponents. Just the same as how LOL opponents can still use the ‘lol evade’ ability even when IceMan has then under coldsnap.
IceMan is not immune to LOL AV incinerate as LOL opponents are not based on the same standard opponents u face in other areas of the game, Basically when they made LOL there was no IceMan and no incinerate Immune champ, so when they released IceMan they made him immune to the incinerate from standard opponents in the game but Kabam overlooked the different setup that is applied to LOL opponents. Just the same as how LOL opponents can still use the ‘lol evade’ ability even when IceMan has then under coldsnap.
Evade in LoL was broken since the beginning. Opponents could evade a sig99 BW. When asked about it, they said that it was because evade was granted through a global node and BW couldn't bypass abilities granted by global nodes, which is **** because we all know she bypassed the global thorns node in act 4. Maestro is also broken. His enigmatic gives him a chance to poison mystic champs (probably when you hit his block) and he was inflicting poison on a Dormammu, who is a poison immune champ
IceMan is not immune to LOL AV incinerate as LOL opponents are not based on the same standard opponents u face in other areas of the game, Basically when they made LOL there was no IceMan and no incinerate Immune champ, so when they released IceMan they made him immune to the incinerate from standard opponents in the game but Kabam overlooked the different setup that is applied to LOL opponents. Just the same as how LOL opponents can still use the ‘lol evade’ ability even when IceMan has then under coldsnap.
For the second time... I ran path a couple of weeks ago and beat AV with iceman, as he does not get incinerate damage - RIGHTLY!
Bigger issue is the bug that means get in incinerate from dexterity, so basically only iceman or Mephisto are now useable.. everyone else will die fast
So why does a poison immune not get poisoned from abomb in lol?
Probably because those fights were designed in a way that you need to have an immune champ there. For fights like AV and Maestro, where such immunity is not mandatory, Kabam "forgot" to add the immunity part
Tried IceMan vs AV about a month ago and still got incinerated so perhaps Kabam fixed it since then @Monk1
And u can avoid getting the timer when dashing back and baiting, u just need to do it before they are too close to u. Star Lord is still by far the best to use vs him
Tried IceMan vs AV about a month ago and still got incinerated so perhaps Kabam fixed it since then @Monk1
And u can avoid getting the timer when dashing back and baiting, u just need to do it before they are too close to u. Star Lord is still by far the best to use vs him
No he is immune to it, I beat AV with him a few weeks ago
Evade in LoL was broken since the beginning. Opponents could evade a sig99 BW. When asked about it, they said that it was because evade was granted through a global node and BW couldn't bypass abilities granted by global nodes, which is **** because we all know she bypassed the global thorns node in act 4. Maestro is also broken. His enigmatic gives him a chance to poison mystic champs (probably when you hit his block) and he was inflicting poison on a Dormammu, who is a poison immune champ
For the second time... I ran path a couple of weeks ago and beat AV with iceman, as he does not get incinerate damage - RIGHTLY!
Bigger issue is the bug that means get in incinerate from dexterity, so basically only iceman or Mephisto are now useable.. everyone else will die fast
Probably because those fights were designed in a way that you need to have an immune champ there. For fights like AV and Maestro, where such immunity is not mandatory, Kabam "forgot" to add the immunity part
And u can avoid getting the timer when dashing back and baiting, u just need to do it before they are too close to u. Star Lord is still by far the best to use vs him