7.2 Legends Run : Clarity needed please

I've never done a Legends Run but want to try. I cant find that email kabam sent out so can someone clarify
Do I need to explore all paths in 7.2 in order to qualify for the Legends run within a 24 hour period? Can I take breaks or must it be done all in one sitting? I heard it takes about 12 hours total.
Am I allowed to look at the paths but not use energy so the clock isnt ticking?
Do I need to explore all paths in 7.2 in order to qualify for the Legends run within a 24 hour period? Can I take breaks or must it be done all in one sitting? I heard it takes about 12 hours total.
Am I allowed to look at the paths but not use energy so the clock isnt ticking?
After I decide to stop fighting, I'm able to scout the map without being penalized in terms of time, right?
You can take breaks as long as you finish within the 24 hours, only the time spent in fights counts to your result, the 24 hours isn’t to do with the result, it’s a window to run in