I sold 13 4* and pulled BLADE and used 5* awakening gem on him
I had 50k shards saved up for him. Pulled VP, Storm, and HB. Sold ~10-12 champs for another shot and got Gambit. Got so triggered a couple days later I sold 26 4* for another shot and got him. I feel OP's pain and Kabam is a sadist. But then again I'm clearly a masochist who makes incredibly questionable decisions.
I sold 13 4* and pulled BLADE and used 5* awakening gem on him
I had 50k shards saved up for him. Pulled VP, Storm, and HB. Sold ~10-12 champs for another shot and got Gambit. Got so triggered a couple days later I sold 26 4* for another shot and got him. I feel OP's pain and Kabam is a sadist. But then again I'm clearly a masochist who makes incredibly questionable decisions.
I sold all poor champs who are 3/30 i don't use them even in arenas, i use champs only above rank4 and none of them is capable of being rank4 so i took a chance
Did this similar thing earlier in January and Got mordo
I guess selling is good lol
Your all crazy for selling 10+ 4* champs. Who cares if u don't use them, u gonna get more shards by maxing them out. This is a game if patience, your gonna be kicking yourselves in the ass later on.
Had never done featured crystals before.
Bought 2. Rhino and Blade. Then got enough for 1 more. Loki. Oh well, guess i gotta r4 him unduped. No more featured crystals from now on.
Your all crazy for selling 10+ 4* champs. Who cares if u don't use them, u gonna get more shards by maxing them out. This is a game if patience, your gonna be kicking yourselves in the ass later on.
Your all crazy for selling 10+ 4* champs. Who cares if u don't use them, u gonna get more shards by maxing them out. This is a game if patience, your gonna be kicking yourselves in the ass later on.
Well right now I’m enjoying myself and having more fun than I’ve had in a while. And in the end isn’t that what this game is all about? Plus I don’t really need anymore 5*.
Your all crazy for selling 10+ 4* champs. Who cares if u don't use them, u gonna get more shards by maxing them out. This is a game if patience, your gonna be kicking yourselves in the ass later on.
4* will come again but pulling blade is not a daily task
I can pull 2-3 4* every week so that's not a problem, but that Blade is one of a kind, those useless 4* are no where in front of him further I'm holding the skill awakening gem from the labyrinth which i had to use so i went up for him after seeing many of his videos and how good he is against mystics
4* are restricted to 5/50 but 5* go beyond rank4/55 so i guess its a pretty good deal to exchange some 4* champs for a 5* blade
Your all crazy for selling 10+ 4* champs. Who cares if u don't use them, u gonna get more shards by maxing them out. This is a game if patience, your gonna be kicking yourselves in the ass later on.
You’re right and wrong. You have to dupe a 4* 17 Times before it becomes more efficient than 3/30ing them and selling them.
I don’t plan to be playing long enough to dupe any 4* 17 Times.
3/30ing a 4* and selling him 17 times:7225 5* shards
Guys in case you haven't noticed the chances on that 5* Blade crystal are A LOT lower than other crystals.
You really think kabam is gonna give you a new god tier without milking the **** out of you?
That's not about calculations man
The thing is 4* at rank3/30 is a pure waste for veteran player
Veteran player don't invest there resources in those champs rather they upgrade there 5* or save resources for some good 4*
I see this whole thread as a larger opportunity to look at Featured 5* crystals...
It is huge issue with this game and I think more specifically where you are with end game content. I've been saving for a little and opened up 2 5* Blade featured crystals and a kingpin before that and a nebula before that...0 pulls. I pulled She-Hulk AND Daredevil Netflix most recently and Hulkbuster and Iron Fist before that. I know they are talking about revamping characters in the coming years which is great...but I'd like @Kabam Miike and the whole kabam team give us more details on the algorithms in place for the pulls on these crystals.
For example, if you open 5 5* featured crystals...you are guaranteed at least 1 pull of the champ you are going for. Or on your second crystal, chances go from 25% to 35% and takes out 30% of the champs that are completely irrelevant in this game. I don't think LUCK should entirely drive progression in a game..and how has Kabam set this game up to counter that...because if what happens @TBJ1118 and @Anonymous2k keeps happening...people will quit this game. It ABSOLUTELY kills the fun and games are SUPPOSE to be FUN!! Yes i get its a business model..but if people are willing to play that long and accumulate resources over months and months to go for something they want that bad...shouldn't they be rewarded??? or at least odds favor them more?
This upsets me more because I'm more than ready to take on LoL and have finished all content (All Act 5 through 5.3 100%, RoL, RttL, all challenges). Even though I'm a top 5 player in my alliance in expert bracket and Tier 2 war, my prestige and rating are falling behind because I'm NOT "LUCKY" and pulling relevant characters like everyone else has been. It's frustrating and once again I'm at a point of putting the game down if I don't pull Spidey in 2 weeks.
I think what would help me the most is @Kabam Vydious or Miike or someone giving us the information to these formulas so maybe we can make better choices. But if luck is the model, and my luck has been this bad (cosmic t4cc after cosmic t4cc and awakening gems and rank up gems, **** 5*, etc) then I probably just need to cut my frustration and losses.
Sorry for the novel but I hope people agree with me...and we get answers!
since Seatin can pull a Stark Spidey, Crossbones, Ghost Rider, King Groot etc on a 5* featured crystal opening......
Guys in case you haven't noticed the chances on that 5* Blade crystal are A LOT lower than other crystals.
You really think kabam is gonna give you a new god tier without milking the **** out of you?
I see this whole thread as a larger opportunity to look at Featured 5* crystals...
It is huge issue with this game and I think more specifically where you are with end game content. I've been saving for a little and opened up 2 5* Blade featured crystals and a kingpin before that and a nebula before that...0 pulls. I pulled She-Hulk AND Daredevil Netflix most recently and Hulkbuster and Iron Fist before that. I know they are talking about revamping characters in the coming years which is great...but I'd like @Kabam Miike and the whole kabam team give us more details on the algorithms in place for the pulls on these crystals.
For example, if you open 5 5* featured crystals...you are guaranteed at least 1 pull of the champ you are going for. Or on your second crystal, chances go from 25% to 35% and takes out 30% of the champs that are completely irrelevant in this game. I don't think LUCK should entirely drive progression in a game..and how has Kabam set this game up to counter that...because if what happens @TBJ1118 and @Anonymous2k keeps happening...people will quit this game. It ABSOLUTELY kills the fun and games are SUPPOSE to be FUN!! Yes i get its a business model..but if people are willing to play that long and accumulate resources over months and months to go for something they want that bad...shouldn't they be rewarded??? or at least odds favor them more?
This upsets me more because I'm more than ready to take on LoL and have finished all content (All Act 5 through 5.3 100%, RoL, RttL, all challenges). Even though I'm a top 5 player in my alliance in expert bracket and Tier 2 war, my prestige and rating are falling behind because I'm NOT "LUCKY" and pulling relevant characters like everyone else has been. It's frustrating and once again I'm at a point of putting the game down if I don't pull Spidey in 2 weeks.
I think what would help me the most is @Kabam Vydious or Miike or someone giving us the information to these formulas so maybe we can make better choices. But if luck is the model, and my luck has been this bad (cosmic t4cc after cosmic t4cc and awakening gems and rank up gems, **** 5*, etc) then I probably just need to cut my frustration and losses.
Sorry for the novel but I hope people agree with me...and we get answers!
since Seatin can pull a Stark Spidey, Crossbones, Ghost Rider, King Groot etc on a 5* featured crystal opening......
Why are you all selling your champions? Yes short term it gives you more 5 star shards, but long term you build up faster by having champions to dupe.
Also, yes some champions are just bad... but some of the pulls you guys are mentioning (while not the featured) are really good champions.
Like, Mordo, Quake, Storm? Those are all solid champs. They aren't Blade, but they are good.
The reason to go for featured 5 star crystals is to increase your chances to get a certain class (say if you are sitting on a dozen tier 4 red catalysts and go for Blade for example). Your chances of actually getting the featured aren't that high, and it's still random.
I see this whole thread as a larger opportunity to look at Featured 5* crystals...
It is huge issue with this game and I think more specifically where you are with end game content. I've been saving for a little and opened up 2 5* Blade featured crystals and a kingpin before that and a nebula before that...0 pulls. I pulled She-Hulk AND Daredevil Netflix most recently and Hulkbuster and Iron Fist before that. I know they are talking about revamping characters in the coming years which is great...but I'd like @Kabam Miike and the whole kabam team give us more details on the algorithms in place for the pulls on these crystals.
For example, if you open 5 5* featured crystals...you are guaranteed at least 1 pull of the champ you are going for. Or on your second crystal, chances go from 25% to 35% and takes out 30% of the champs that are completely irrelevant in this game. I don't think LUCK should entirely drive progression in a game..and how has Kabam set this game up to counter that...because if what happens @TBJ1118 and @Anonymous2k keeps happening...people will quit this game. It ABSOLUTELY kills the fun and games are SUPPOSE to be FUN!! Yes i get its a business model..but if people are willing to play that long and accumulate resources over months and months to go for something they want that bad...shouldn't they be rewarded??? or at least odds favor them more?
This upsets me more because I'm more than ready to take on LoL and have finished all content (All Act 5 through 5.3 100%, RoL, RttL, all challenges). Even though I'm a top 5 player in my alliance in expert bracket and Tier 2 war, my prestige and rating are falling behind because I'm NOT "LUCKY" and pulling relevant characters like everyone else has been. It's frustrating and once again I'm at a point of putting the game down if I don't pull Spidey in 2 weeks.
I think what would help me the most is @Kabam Vydious or Miike or someone giving us the information to these formulas so maybe we can make better choices. But if luck is the model, and my luck has been this bad (cosmic t4cc after cosmic t4cc and awakening gems and rank up gems, **** 5*, etc) then I probably just need to cut my frustration and losses.
Sorry for the novel but I hope people agree with me...and we get answers!
since Seatin can pull a Stark Spidey, Crossbones, Ghost Rider, King Groot etc on a 5* featured crystal opening......
Luck is the major factor in this game bud
I never pulled a good 4* in my struggling times I.e a year ago but i constantly grind arenas and all of my good champs are part of my arenas
Now coming to you, i know it's feel very bad when you pull champs like that, happens to me also, i went for Kingpin but pulled Antman, if the outcome of pulls are determinant then it feels very boring and takeaway all of the interest of the game
Sometimes you got lucky sometimes not
And nowadays the basic pool of champs in 5* becoming good so i guess going for basic pull isn't a bad idea which doesn't leave you in frustration
Every player got ups and downs. I waited very long for a good 5* to start my LOL but that doesn't happened and then i did it with my 4* champs by saving units, further did till 5.3 100% using those 4*
So give some time to your luck maybe you going to something better than this
As most already know, we aren't able to discuss drop rates in too much detail. In most cases where you see a Youtuber hitting some good luck, you only see a small portion of crystals that they open. This, in turn, can make it seem like they have better luck when really they don't have better drop rates than others.
Sorry man
i feel u bro... dang
I had 50k shards saved up for him. Pulled VP, Storm, and HB. Sold ~10-12 champs for another shot and got Gambit. Got so triggered a couple days later I sold 26 4* for another shot and got him. I feel OP's pain and Kabam is a sadist. But then again I'm clearly a masochist who makes incredibly questionable decisions.
thanks dude!
I sold all poor champs who are 3/30 i don't use them even in arenas, i use champs only above rank4 and none of them is capable of being rank4 so i took a chance
Did this similar thing earlier in January and Got mordo
I guess selling is good lol
Bought 2. Rhino and Blade. Then got enough for 1 more. Loki. Oh well, guess i gotta r4 him unduped. No more featured crystals from now on.
Especially after they nerf Blade lol
Well right now I’m enjoying myself and having more fun than I’ve had in a while. And in the end isn’t that what this game is all about? Plus I don’t really need anymore 5*.
4* will come again but pulling blade is not a daily task
I can pull 2-3 4* every week so that's not a problem, but that Blade is one of a kind, those useless 4* are no where in front of him further I'm holding the skill awakening gem from the labyrinth which i had to use so i went up for him after seeing many of his videos and how good he is against mystics
4* are restricted to 5/50 but 5* go beyond rank4/55 so i guess its a pretty good deal to exchange some 4* champs for a 5* blade
You’re right and wrong. You have to dupe a 4* 17 Times before it becomes more efficient than 3/30ing them and selling them.
I don’t plan to be playing long enough to dupe any 4* 17 Times.
3/30ing a 4* and selling him 17 times:7225 5* shards
Duping a 4* 17 Times: 6875 5* shards
You really think kabam is gonna give you a new god tier without milking the **** out of you?
The thing is 4* at rank3/30 is a pure waste for veteran player
Veteran player don't invest there resources in those champs rather they upgrade there 5* or save resources for some good 4*
It is huge issue with this game and I think more specifically where you are with end game content. I've been saving for a little and opened up 2 5* Blade featured crystals and a kingpin before that and a nebula before that...0 pulls. I pulled She-Hulk AND Daredevil Netflix most recently and Hulkbuster and Iron Fist before that. I know they are talking about revamping characters in the coming years which is great...but I'd like @Kabam Miike and the whole kabam team give us more details on the algorithms in place for the pulls on these crystals.
For example, if you open 5 5* featured crystals...you are guaranteed at least 1 pull of the champ you are going for. Or on your second crystal, chances go from 25% to 35% and takes out 30% of the champs that are completely irrelevant in this game. I don't think LUCK should entirely drive progression in a game..and how has Kabam set this game up to counter that...because if what happens @TBJ1118 and @Anonymous2k keeps happening...people will quit this game. It ABSOLUTELY kills the fun and games are SUPPOSE to be FUN!! Yes i get its a business model..but if people are willing to play that long and accumulate resources over months and months to go for something they want that bad...shouldn't they be rewarded??? or at least odds favor them more?
This upsets me more because I'm more than ready to take on LoL and have finished all content (All Act 5 through 5.3 100%, RoL, RttL, all challenges). Even though I'm a top 5 player in my alliance in expert bracket and Tier 2 war, my prestige and rating are falling behind because I'm NOT "LUCKY" and pulling relevant characters like everyone else has been. It's frustrating and once again I'm at a point of putting the game down if I don't pull Spidey in 2 weeks.
I think what would help me the most is @Kabam Vydious or Miike or someone giving us the information to these formulas so maybe we can make better choices. But if luck is the model, and my luck has been this bad (cosmic t4cc after cosmic t4cc and awakening gems and rank up gems, **** 5*, etc) then I probably just need to cut my frustration and losses.
Sorry for the novel but I hope people agree with me...and we get answers!
since Seatin can pull a Stark Spidey, Crossbones, Ghost Rider, King Groot etc on a 5* featured crystal opening......
You just have bad luck.
Also, yes some champions are just bad... but some of the pulls you guys are mentioning (while not the featured) are really good champions.
Like, Mordo, Quake, Storm? Those are all solid champs. They aren't Blade, but they are good.
The reason to go for featured 5 star crystals is to increase your chances to get a certain class (say if you are sitting on a dozen tier 4 red catalysts and go for Blade for example). Your chances of actually getting the featured aren't that high, and it's still random.
Luck is the major factor in this game bud
I never pulled a good 4* in my struggling times I.e a year ago but i constantly grind arenas and all of my good champs are part of my arenas
Now coming to you, i know it's feel very bad when you pull champs like that, happens to me also, i went for Kingpin but pulled Antman, if the outcome of pulls are determinant then it feels very boring and takeaway all of the interest of the game
Sometimes you got lucky sometimes not
And nowadays the basic pool of champs in 5* becoming good so i guess going for basic pull isn't a bad idea which doesn't leave you in frustration
Every player got ups and downs. I waited very long for a good 5* to start my LOL but that doesn't happened and then i did it with my 4* champs by saving units, further did till 5.3 100% using those 4*
So give some time to your luck maybe you going to something better than this
As most already know, we aren't able to discuss drop rates in too much detail. In most cases where you see a Youtuber hitting some good luck, you only see a small portion of crystals that they open. This, in turn, can make it seem like they have better luck when really they don't have better drop rates than others.