Apoc Horseman bug

NachtarNachtar Member Posts: 17
edited December 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues
In AQ, I just activated prefight horseman ability entered fight with cable, and horseman was not given to cable during or post fight. Looks like horseman ability is bugged. Video attached.

@Kabam Miike


  • NachtarNachtar Member Posts: 17
    Also looks like just a picture loaded and not the video 😑
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, you can share video by uploading it to a site like youtube and then sharing the video here. Would you happen to know what nodes were active at the time or would you be able to tell us if this happened anywhere else?
  • muddy17muddy17 Member Posts: 229
    Horseman did not activate in aq no video but got the four charges needed.. activated it and went in with collosus and nothing.....

  • DannyB01DannyB01 Member Posts: 471 ★★★
    I've had this issue also, using Wolverine as a horseman in AW. Used resources healing him so I could set him as a horseman and....KABAM(med)!

    Kabam support told me it's a known issue and is being looked into. I think it's similar to the pre-fight abilities bugs we've been getting with Human Torch and Nick Fury.

    AW and AQ are such expensive game modes that a fix should be implemented ASAP. The other pre-fight ability issues have been going on since--I kid you not--SEPTEMBER.
  • KhushhalKhushhal Member Posts: 51

    Same happened with me just now during aw fight...workes in the first fight and disappeared in the second...got my champ knocked out cause of this bug...
  • JumpthesharkJumptheshark Member Posts: 242 ★★
    It happened again with wolverine in aq. He had I believe 2 fights as a horseman and now it’s gone.
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