Worst of each class



  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★

    is this a troll post?

    Has to be.. saying venom is the worst. He's arguably the most useful of ALL classes across the entirety of variants
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★

    I said venom because I can deck him no problem it’s just personal opinion
    I know noobs struggle with him

    Just because you can beat him easily doesn't mean the character is bad
    Yes ...ghost is probably the easiest fight in the game
  • Summ0ner_boiSumm0ner_boi Member Posts: 21
    I meant venompool btw venoms a beast kinda made a big whoopass mistake sry
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★

    I meant venompool btw venoms a beast kinda made a big whoopass mistake sry

    It took you 3 pages & 6 comments from you later to realise....
    Even though one of your comments re-stated that you were taking about Venom....

  • SuperGAMER3000SuperGAMER3000 Member Posts: 10
    i have seen some videos on the characters i do not have and i think the worsts are
    rocket raccoon he has low health and is boring
    night thrasher i have as a 3 star and he is really terrible his specials are small amounts of hits so less damage and he has low damage and low damage on his debuffs
    emma frost my 3 star was low damage and too confusing for a newer player like me
    captain america original is very weak and has bad abilities
    dragon man when he gets stunned he loses his power buff and it makes him much less good so he is bad
    drax has so little abilities and his ablities are very small
  • Summ0ner_boiSumm0ner_boi Member Posts: 21
    My device only registered venopo and it autocorrected it both times
  • Summ0ner_boiSumm0ner_boi Member Posts: 21

    I meant venompool btw venoms a beast kinda made a big whoopass mistake sry

    It took you 3 pages & 6 comments from you later to realise....
    Even though one of your comments re-stated that you were taking about Venom....


    I meant venompool btw venoms a beast kinda made a big whoopass mistake sry

    I’m so sorry about this Morpheus your right I’m stupid so sorry every one I’ll correct the post

  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★

    I meant venompool btw venoms a beast kinda made a big whoopass mistake sry

    It took you 3 pages & 6 comments from you later to realise....
    Even though one of your comments re-stated that you were taking about Venom....


    I meant venompool btw venoms a beast kinda made a big whoopass mistake sry

    I’m so sorry about this Morpheus your right I’m stupid so sorry every one I’ll correct the post

    What a bizarre quote you have conjured up there. Was that by accident too? Lol

    Ps, I never called you stupid, mistake happen all the time. But consistency points out mistakes from lies.
  • AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
    I had to check what year this thread was made to see if this was brought up from pre venom buff. It wasn't.
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★

    Tech is war machine
    Cosmic is venom (he needs a buff)
    Mystic is defo juggernaut
    Science is spider man
    Skill has to be black panther cw
    Mutant idk psylocke or bishop
    Comment if you disagree

    Venom worst cosmic?
    Psylocke and Bishop worst mutant?

    Did you forget that both Cyclopses, Deadpool (x force) and 85% of the cosmic champions exist
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    edited May 2021
    venom is one of the best in the game, id have to say:

    cosmic: KG
    Mystic: Juggs
    Science: og cap
    skill: bpcw
    mutant: beast (also worst in game)
    tech: ip
  • Agent_TAgent_T Member Posts: 274 ★★
    GagoH said:

    Mutant: beast
    Mystic: juggernaut
    Cosmic: superior iron man
    Tech: iron man
    Science: joe
    Skill: stealthy

    You had me up until you said stealthy.
  • Agent_TAgent_T Member Posts: 274 ★★
    Skill: toss up for Karnak or BPCW
    Tech: Iron Patriot
    Mystic: Diablo
    Cosmic: Superior Iron Man
    Mutant: Cyclops
    Science: Og Cap or Joe. I’m leaning towards Og Cap
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