The 47.0.1 hotfix to address the issue of freezing & flashing lights on loading screens when trying to enter a fight, along with other smaller issues, is now ready to be downloaded through the App Store on IOS.
More information here.

Awaiting Refund

I posted this earlier and it was closed. Earlier today in the first AQ I used 165 units to purchase potions. I bought one level 3 and one level 4 potion. The quest was ended and I have yet to receive a refund of either the units I used to purchase or the items I purchased. I have screenshots to support this if needed. Please let me know what the resolution to this issue will be. My username in game is Zonie701


  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    It does not matter how he lost it. Things happen, you miss an evade on a symbiods l2 and it hurts. Point is he spent it in a quest that was ended
  • XYZWarXYZWar Member Posts: 5
    On day 1? LMAO sucks to suck
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Using potions in the first hour in day 1? Lol
  • CheyneedCheyneed Member Posts: 95
    edited June 2017
    I agree that if you are spending potions in the first hour of day1 you need to work on your skills. However, that should not factor in to the conversation. If money was spent and the quest was shut down the money/units should be refunded. Hopefully Kabam will do right by you (I doubt it).
  • ANiHiLUSTANiHiLUST Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2017
    Hey Snowflake. Did you use the potions? If you did, you suck your loss.

    Alliance Potions are already needlessly gouging at 4-5x the unit price of regular potions; having them wasted because of a bug & not refunded is ridiculous.
  • Zonie701Zonie701 Member Posts: 6
    A game full of glitches and only looking to be reimbursed for something that I had bought only to have the game shut down. Doesn't matter how it happened, what matters is units were spent and now those items units were spent on are no longer available to use. So it's. It an ability or snowflake issue. It's a consumer complaint against the owners of the game for compensation of items bought to play said game only to have said game closed. That's what this is about.
  • Justice_Evo_8Justice_Evo_8 Member Posts: 213 ★★
    Send in a support ticket. Watch what you get back... nothing lol. You are SOL.
  • XYZWarXYZWar Member Posts: 5
    ^^ still need work on skills which has everything to do with this convo if your consuming potions within the first hour on day 1 go back to map 1 and practice
  • MagsMags Member Posts: 132
    Yea, hopefully one of the guys dogging on his skill set runs into the lag glitch I just experienced.. Day 1 map 5, fighting psylocke. Had 3x bleed stacks on her less than 30 seconds into the fight and she was about to bleed out, then the game lag-glitched and the little "loading" spinner popped up telling me to check my connection. I quickly touched the reconnect button and it immediately brought me to the "Timed Out" screen.
    Pure glitch. 50% health loss because PC LOAD LETTER?

    I didn't use health pots like the OP, since wolvie will be back to 100% health in a fight or two, but had it been a non regen champ I'd be pissed off too!
  • Killaking23Killaking23 Member Posts: 1
    Luckily you happened to take screenshots
  • ANiHiLUSTANiHiLUST Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2017
    How do you just potions in the first half hour of AQ.
    XYZWar wrote: »
    On day 1? LMAO sucks to suck
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    Using potions in the first hour in day 1? Lol
    XYZWar wrote: »
    ^^ still need work on skills which has everything to do with this convo if your consuming potions within the first hour on day 1 go back to map 1 and practice

    No, has not one single thing to do with the conversation, which is about being reimbursed for items consumed, that were wasted because the quest they were used for was bugged & had to be reset. That they were needed at all, or the skill level of the person involved, has nothing to do whatsoever with that; if it did then the game itself should've not allowed their use & popped up a sh!*ty message saying something along the lines of what you all just did.
    The alliance potion prices are gouged as much as they are at least partially because people will pay out of their posteriors to avoid the kind of humiliation you a$*hats are trying to heap on this guy. Stop being douches.
  • Kabam SpiceKabam Spice Moderator Posts: 344
    @Zonie701 Sorry to hear this! You'll need to contact customer support, as we cannot assist with account-specific issues here in the forums. You can do this by clicking on the grey gear in the top left corner of the game, and then clicking 'contact support'. They'll be able to review your account history and see what's going on.

    Locking this down because this isn't the place to discuss account specific issues, but they will be able to assist you!

This discussion has been closed.