No rewards for test of valor initiator

We hit 15+ participation in the first test of valor but I got a message saying we didn’t and I did not receive the bonus 5* shards. Is this a known issue? @Kabam Miike
You stole fizzy lifting drinks! You get nothing, good day sir!
On a separate note, do these tests of valor get queued ? Like if one is going on, and someone else triggers/ finds another, it gets placed on hold and starts automatically when the previous one ends? Or all valor is lost if one is already active?
@THE_Bmanny Yeah but your first picture shows two bounty missions. One with a timer and other is just there, so i'm guessing it's queued and would be started whenever this first one ended right?
No, the top one is the quest itself. The 2nd pic just shows information about it.
No you're not getting what i'm trying to say lol. I'm referring to the first picture only. It shows 2 bounty missions/ Tests of valor . One that is ongoing and shows the timer and 'FULL. The other is below that and i'm guessing it started right after the first one ended.
Oh alright, you said 2nd pic in last message, so i got confused. My bad haha.
That sucks tho, all valor collected during that time is lost basically. Would've been better if they stacked up.