Why does Guardian need high sig?

Is it for the bonus block profiency? Or the bleed resistance utility? I know everyone says it’s really helpful for him, but...why?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
The difference between 65% and 68% and 76% doesn't seem like a lot, but it actually is for two reasons. First, the important thing is not how much damage you block, it is how much damage you take. 65% block means you take 35% of the damage from blocked hits. 68% block means you take 32%, and 76% means you take 24%. At max sig you're taking only (24/35) = 69% of the damage you'd take unawakened. Or alternatively, at max sig Guardian takes 31% less damage from blocked hits. That's not a small improvement.
But secondly it gets even more interesting when you consider those are normal blocked hits and not well-timed blocked hits. If you have the Parry mastery you can get an additional +25% block proficiency from well-timed hits. This is a flat improvement over and above the DR stat. So those same block proficiency numbers above become 90%, 93%, and 101%. Which means the difference between unawakened r5 Guardian and max sig Guardian is the difference between taking 10% damage from well-timed blocked hits and taking zero.
The bleed resistance is also nice to have because you can buy up to 30% additional bleed resistance with Coagulate. Not only does that help in terms of survivability, it also makes Guardian more suicide friendly because he can actually heal from Double Edge (via Willpower) which indirectly helps Guardian offensively.
80% energy resistance is also nice to have. Gladiator Hulk is considered a strong counter to passive DoT with a lower amount of effective mitigation.
Guardian probably has one of the better designed signature abilities in terms of game balance, in that on the one hand you don't need it for the champ to be useful, but on the other hand you do notice it when you have it and you also notice when you sig it up.
Block proficiency is also kinda underrated. Makes him a lot easier to use in stun immune matchups, mighty charge, if you need to hold block to stop opponents from using a specific special attack, etc.
Crit damage is the only part of the sig that isn't a big benefit on offense.
The difference between an unawakened Guardian and a sig 200 guardian is comparable to a unawakened Cap IW and a sig 200 Cap IW. Yeah he's still good but the awakened ability just adds layer upon layers of utility and you need the sig as high as possible for the utility to be consistent
Think CapIW can by himself reduce damage to 0 on parry, not sure about this!!!
This 1 thing alone makes him great in high level content.
Afraid of losing chunk of health on parrying opponent with high attack(above 12-13k), not an issue with Guardian.
Moreover capiw has more block proficiency than max sig guardian.
But yeah guardian helps so many champs with less block proficiency like cull obsidian.
Energy resist is good against DoTs like Coldsnap. Try dupped Guardian and any other champion against Iceman and you'll see how much hp it saves you
Bleed resist and crit resist is for cases when you slip up
Overall it provides a very nice bonus utility that can come in handy in multiple scenarios.
just like Magneto and Corvus.
We enjoy such champs because it gets us 8-10% HP recovered easily each fight if not hit.
and since Guardian is such a TANK he'll benefit it the most.
I dont see any other use in he's other Sig lines.
Percentage = FlatStat / (FlatStat + 1500 + 5*CR)
where CR is the *opponent* challenge rating. in other words, the higher the CR of the thing you're fighting, the lower your stats get. Its a relatively small change, but that's what it is there for. Think of Challenge Rating as "suppressing" the stats of opponents. Yours suppresses your opponent, your opponent's suppresses yours.
The one known exception is Critical Damage Rating. For critical damage rating, take the output of that formula, multiply by 5, then add 0.5.
This *only* applies to a specific list of flat stats - for example this doesn't apply to attack rating or health. The rule of thumb for which stats are flat stats is: if the stat is intrinsically a percentage, it is probably a flat stat. Block proficiency, critical rating (chance to crit), critical damage rating (bonus damage as a percentage of base damage), armor, the three resistances (physical, energy, and critical resistance), and the two penetration stats (armor penetration and block penetration) are the "flat stats" for which DR applies.
5/65 CapIW and 6* r2 has a block proficiency of 6743 which is plenty enough for CR100 but not quite enough for CR150 (although it is very close). At 6* r3 he goes to 6903 which is enough for any conventional challenge rating you'd ordinarily encounter in the game currently.