Spin the Crystal, wait a random amount of Seconds, Lower your Finger as if you're going to end the Spin but Stop Just Before your Finger touches the Screen, then wait another 2 Seconds before actually clicking the screen.
Then remember this is all a Placebo when you inevitably pull something trash...
I pop absolutely everything, I never spin because it’s a waste of time. My last 6 pulls have been in order 6* Sentinel, 6* iBom, 6* iBom, 6* Silver Surfer, 6* Kingpin and 6* Domino.
Here is my method..listen closely as it works every time. I pick the crystal I'm opening set up the reasonable expectation (most likely getting a 3*, if 3* is the lowest rarity in the crystal I'm opening) then when I get a 4* or 5* I get really excited and when I get a 3* I say "I'd figure that would happen." Here I am never disappointed and helps in not getting mad or stressed out. Also I look at 4*s as opportunities to get 5* shards and 5*s as either new arena fodder (if champion I didn't want), excitement (if champion I'm looking for), or if a dupe (well, at least that is more 6* shards).
There is no trick to it. Anything else is just superstition. You just open them. Pop, roll, whatever you prefer. It's all the same RNG, and it generates what it generates.
Once we have a time travel machine, we shall see the proof.
Dont do what i do. Play the game off and on from the beginning and have only half ranked up 5*. Either mutant or skill. All the worse fighters. Open another crystal of rubbish and miss the button to uninstall the game while my phone is thrown violently at the ground smashing another one. Instead of spending money in the game to progress.
Ok. I know its RNG. But did anyone ever find a trick to get good champs from crystals? For example by tapping at 4 seconds etc.
my favourite little trick as of lately (doesn't necessarily work but hey it's fun to do these sorts of 'rituals' anyway) is fake tap the Open Crystal button three times (hold down the button then drag your finger away from it without removing it from the screen; it won't count as actually pressing the button) then either pop or spin it depending on your personal preference
There is no trick to it. Anything else is just superstition. You just open them. Pop, roll, whatever you prefer. It's all the same RNG, and it generates what it generates.
I dropped a hammer on my foot once, then opened a bunch of crystals and got Iron Patriot as a 6*. Compared to the pain in my foot, IP looked pretty good.
Yes. Step1:-Stay hydrated and step 2:- have a full stomach, step 3:-open mcoc, step 4:-go to the specific crystal, step 5:- sing halo theme song Step 6:- wait till 7 seconds and tap.
Nothing really changes anything but hey
This system hasn't failed me!
Step1:-Stay hydrated and step 2:- have a full stomach, step 3:-open mcoc, step 4:-go to the specific crystal, step 5:- sing halo theme song
Step 6:- wait till 7 seconds and tap.