Gauntlet: Completed

DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
I have conquered the Gauntlet.

Overall exploration of Mcoc: I haven't touched abyss or labyrinth, completion run of act 6 and 7.2, 7.1 explored. So all content 100% explored? Naw I've got units.

I entered the gauntlet with a team of
Professor X - 6* R2
Apocalypse - 5* R5
Void - 5* R5
Doctor Doom - 5* R5
Gladiator Hulk - 5* R4

Here is a revive count and fight breakdown:

Doom - Solo with Apoc, pretty easy, lots of light intercepts. Once you have got the concussion up and permanent this fight is a breeze. Spam sp1 and you're gtg.

Terrax - Heavy spam in the corner with Ghulk, occasionally baiting special 1. I used one revive because I wasn't paying attention to his power bar and got clapped by a special.

Modok - Apoc, 2 revives. Stun vulnerability made this fight go by quickly. I got a concussion up and made it permanent, then died on an sp 2. Another run I kept getting clipped by sp1 which was annoying. Last time I just took him down. Heavy spam ftw. Easier than I expected, built up disorient and bleed immunity.

Spider Ham - Prof X, 3 revives. Not as scary as I thought it was going to be. I went in 2 times in a row and got clapped by a combo so I did the damage over 2 runs. Special three and then cycle specials with Prof X.

Weapon X - Prof X, 2 revives. Scarier than anticipated. My specials weren't doing as much damage as I would've liked, got cornered and died the first time, second time I went for a bad intercept, third time took him from 45-0.

Thing - Apoc 1 revive, stupid mistake. Thing was just heavy spam, sp2 then sp1. I ran into his special. Like just jumped right in. Anyways easy fight, your gonna take a lot of block damage.

Korg - Prof X, a nightmare. Honestly thought I'd get roadblocked. Two days ago practiced my duels and was evading the sp1 like it was something I did all day. This time I did terrible till the third run. Used 4 revives, then a team.

Dragon Man - Prof X, 3 revives, about as bad as expected. Just got to sp 3 taking lots of sp1 blocked hits. One revive he went to special 3 I literally didn't touch the left side of my screen and he didn't throw that sp2.

Black Panther Civil War - Apoc, solo lots of fun. At this point I had gotten into the groove of fighting and Apoc was fully ramped. Easy sp2 then permanent and crushed him.

Nightcrawler - Easy Prof X solo. It was Nightcrawler. About it.

Spider Gwen - Another easy Prof X solo.

Domino - Apoc soloed her no problemo. Nothing much to say, was at low health due to all that crit failure.

Mojo - Apoc. Oh dear. What a fight. I went in the first time, went pretty well. Went in the second time and was barely started, paused, threw phone in pocket and then I died. Really bad for his persistent charges. I went in again it was ok. The next 4 revives were him degening me down and me being so scared I was going to be roadblocked. the last Revive I played around his prompts really well and got the last 22% down. 7 revives.

Ibom - What a gongshow Prof X four revives. Just kept getting poisoned and it was beyond annoying.

Apocalypse - Doom soloed him. Doom cycle, when I take the blocked hits and he'd heavy on the second one, I'd dash back and get hit by the second hit. Aura kept Doom upright and it gave me power, bleed wasn't potent at all.

Sasquatch - I overestimated him. 3 revives, 1 with Prof x. 2 runs got him down to 40, then the next two runs with void were garbage and the last one went well, killed him no problemo. Void's debuffs weren't classified as dot so were doing damage.

Kilmonger - Used Apoc, 3 revives. I ran into a special 2 once, and the other times I died it was just blocked hits or getting clipped. Not too bad.

Void - Bad. Prof X and 4 revives. I didn't have a 200% mutant boost so when I went for the cycle it didn't work. Just went in five times and got him down, occasionally dying to the debuffs before launching a special. I should've just thrown sp1s when I had em.

Nick Fury - Annoying. 5 runs with prof x, went really well the first two times, then I kept dying once he was stun immune. May be because I had to leave for an hour then comeback, annoying.

Nameless Thanos - Everyone and 2 team revives. Easiest fight that wasn't a solo imo. The last 10 percent was a gongshow of him not dashing in for intercepts and when I dashed in while he's standing there he just light intercepts. Nameless got gud ig.

Overall, decent run. More spent then I woulda liked. I spent (counting team revives as 5) 57 revives. I had 20 smalls in stash and one team in stash so I spent about 1,280 units on revives. I burnt an odin worth (grinded them) of units and pretty well 2000 of them were on lvl 10 health pots. I had 300 lvl 3's going in but they burnt like marshmallows on a stick.

I ran a 150% mutant boost for a few fights, was almost always running a 30% champ boost, 15% attack, 20% health. The last 4 fights I was running the same cept a 20% champ boost.

From the basics I pulled Spiderman, Winter Soldier, prof x (my 3rd time pulling him) from the nexus it was SIM, Ant-man or ANOTHER prof X. He's now naturally sig 60. Not bad pulls I just really wanted some new, good champions so I was dissapointed. Picked up 150% mutant t5cc.

In summary: Went in with a mindset of I have units I can use, spent more than I should've, didn't do enough research or practice before going in (Mojo for example) rewards were good but after the 6* pulls it didn't feel worth it.


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  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,326 ★★★★★
    well the main thing is you got it done .. awesome job mate.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★

    Massive congrats! Really impressive for someone who hasn’t explored much end-game content. Also, who would you recommend as viable replacements for someone who doesn’t have Doom and Apoc?

    Aegon for apoc is good. Doom was for apoc and vision. Ghost with hood is viable. Pretty much anyone can counter Apoc, but if you use a mutant or hero he's gonna have 4 persistant charges. So any villain that ain't a mutant (doom ghost etc) for vision you just need power control, someone who can really take hold of the fight. I think Aegon has worked for people, quake is a decent option.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★

    well the main thing is you got it done .. awesome job mate.

    Thanks bro, your run went a lot better lol.
  • Geralt_123Geralt_123 Member Posts: 595 ★★★
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  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,476 ★★★★★
    @DawsMan congrats dude. You nailed it. And if it's you I am not surprised TBH.
    And for Rewards you had some good ones.
    Good luck for rest of the content
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  • leviddletonleviddleton Member Posts: 127 ★★
    _Sham_ said:

    Congrats, and thanks for sharing the detailed info.

    So you spent 2000 units on health potions? I didn't understood that part so want to be sure.

    Also how many health potions you recommend to farm before going in ?


    When you think you have enough potions, grab more lol
  • KennMcocKennMcoc Member Posts: 158
    Wow long story
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    _Sham_ said:

    Congrats, and thanks for sharing the detailed info.

    So you spent 2000 units on health potions? I didn't understood that part so want to be sure.

    Also how many health potions you recommend to farm before going in ?


    Yeah I spent 2000 units on health potions. I went in with about 300 lvl 3 health potions. I spent 2000 units on lvl 5 health pots which is 71 lvl 5's which is 710 000 hp. Divide that by 1650 is 430. So if you want to not spend units on potions you should grind about 700 or so. The thing was I was fully boosted and for the majority of those fights you want to be going in completely topped up. Realistically 700 is an absurd amount of health pots. I did 300 over about 5 days and it was so boring.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★

    @DawsMan congrats dude. You nailed it. And if it's you I am not surprised TBH.
    And for Rewards you had some good ones.
    Good luck for rest of the content

    Thanks man
  • Kabam DijonKabam Dijon Moderator Posts: 337
    edited June 2021
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Man, I didn't even farm half of that amount of pots for abyss ...
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