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Whom should I awaken with my class awakening gem??

Sktd3Sktd3 Posts: 14
edited June 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I have a mutan awakening gem whom should I awaken
Omega red
Domino(with no Trinity)
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


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    The_beast123The_beast123 Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    If you have:
    Lot of sigs = Omega
    Low amount of sigs = Still Omega, and get him to max sig sooner.

    ( If you don't/can't play him well, Archangel is a solid option too! I personally would awaken Archangel, since I don't know much about Omega much).
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    DawsManDawsMan Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    If you have sigs omega, if you don't have 100 sigs, aa.
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    ItsDamienItsDamien Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    If you have lots of sigs and run suicides: AA
    If you have lots of sigs and don't run suicides: AA
    If you have no sigs and run suicides: AA
    If you have no sigs and don't run suicides: AA

    Someone with a max sig 5/65 OR and a 5/65 AA while running suicides.
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    DawsManDawsMan Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    If you have lots of sigs and run suicides: AA
    If you have lots of sigs and don't run suicides: AA
    If you have no sigs and run suicides: AA
    If you have no sigs and don't run suicides: AA

    Someone with a max sig 5/65 OR and a 5/65 AA while running suicides.

    Agreed. i use my r4 (need mutant t4cc to r3 prof x and collosus) aa more than my 5/65 omega. I don't run suicides.
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    Drew3808Drew3808 Posts: 50
    I don’t really know much about arch angel’s or domino’s awakened abilities. But, knowing what I know about OR’s awakened ability, I would say to awaken omega red, but only if you are willing and able to get him to a high sig level because that is important to make his awakened ability effective.
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    shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    If you run suicides then omega if not then AA
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    JoseOkJoseOk Posts: 278 ★★
    AA in almost all instances, and omega really needs high sig. Domino is strong, but lacks any utility and doesn't even need awakening.
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