Psylocke Buff Idea

ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,078 ★★★★★
I really quite like Psylocke and didn't want to mess with her abilities too much. I also didn't want to introduce completely new ones, since her base kit is still really solid. So I instead just tried to beef up the abilities that she already has.

One of the things I wanted to add was an increased ability to deal with power gain effcts. As such, I gave her the ability to nullify power gain buffs and a small chance to siphon power if the opponent should ever happen to reach max power. Additionally, while her reduction to power gained from striking the opponent is still there, she now has increased power gain when the opponent is above 2 bars of power.


* Gain up to 900 Critical Damage Rating the lower your opponent’s current Power.
* Reduce opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy by 75% when they are at 0 Power.
* Increase the Heavy Attack’s chance to convert Psi-charges into Prowess Buff by 30% if the opponent is below 1 Bar of Power.
* Additionally, each Prowess Buff that expires has a 15% chance to be reapplied as a Psi-charge.


Gain up to 1400 Critical Damage Rating the lower your opponent’s current Power.

All attacks

* Gain 25% less Power from striking opponents while they are below 2 Bars of Power.
* Gain a passive 25% Fury Buff when striking opponents while they are below 1 Bar of Power.
* Gain 25% more Power from striking opponents while they are above 2 Bars of Power.
* Gain a 10% chance to Siphon 3% Power from the opponent when striking them with Light attacks while they are at 3 Bars of Power.
* If an opponent has been Power Siphoned, the next Light attack landed on them grants them no Power.

Psi-charge - Passive

* The opponent doesn’t gain Power when struck, if they have 0 Power and Psylocke has at least 1 Psi-charge.
* Every 5 hits Psylocke lands on an opponent with 0 Power, she gains a Psi-charge.
* When landing a Critical Hit on an opponent with a Power Gain Buff, consume 1 Psi-charge to Nullify that Buff.
* If Psylocke is struck, the opponent removes a Psi-charge from her and gain 25% extra Power from all attacks for 2 seconds.
* If Psylocke is struck while the opponent is at 0 Power, there is a 2% chance per Prowess on Psylocke to instead remove a Prowess Buff and Power Lock the opponent for 2 seconds.

Heavy Attacks

* This attack consumes all Psi-charges, dealing 1800 Energy Damage per charge.
* Each charge consumed then has a 70% chance to be converted into a Prowess Buff, each increasing Special Attack damage by 5% for 5 seconds. Max 25.
* This duration is paused as long as the opponent is at 0 Power.

Special Attack 1

Depletes up to 25% of the opponent’s max Power. If the opponent is already at 0 Power, Psylocke instead takes an extra swing with her sword.

If this attack causes your opponent’s Power to be reduced over a Special Attack threshold, Psylocke will Gain Power until she reaches 1 Bar of Power over 0,25 seconds.

Special Attack 2

* 100% chance to Power Lock, severing the opponent’s flow of Power for 6 seconds.
* If the opponent has an active Power Gain Buff, Psylocke Nullifies it and gains a Psi-charge.
* If this attack lands, Psylocke has a 100% chance to consume 1 Psi-charge to gain 34% Power over 0,25 seconds.

Special Attack 3

* Consume all Psi-charges, with each dealing 1400 Energy Damage. Each charge consumed has a 100% chance to be converted into a Prowess Buff for the duration of this attack.
* 100% chance to Power Lock, severing the opponent’s flow of Power for 10 seconds.
* Burns 20% of your opponent’s Power plus 1% for each Prowess on Rogue. Causes Direct Damage based on the amount Burned.
* If this attack reduces the opponent to 0 Power, it Stuns them for 5,50 seconds.


  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    I like it, I have a 5* Psylocke currently sitting at R1, she is not a terrible champion overall but she could use a moderate update as there are several other champions more desirable to rank up
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,078 ★★★★★
    @Marvel2289 Thanks! Yeah, I agree. My old 4* cleared so much content for me back in the day and I got pretty happy when I pulled her as a 6* (or at least as happy as you can be for a champion you'll probably never use). But I can definitely see how she can be buffed up a little. Who knows, she already has a synergy with Bishop so maybe that gets a buff along with his own next month?
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Ercarret said:

    @Marvel2289 Thanks! Yeah, I agree. My old 4* cleared so much content for me back in the day and I got pretty happy when I pulled her as a 6* (or at least as happy as you can be for a champion you'll probably never use). But I can definitely see how she can be buffed up a little. Who knows, she already has a synergy with Bishop so maybe that gets a buff along with his own next month?

    A buff to her synergy with bishop would be nice, considering i also have a 5* Bishop
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