21 ok or decent champs that I hate



  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them
    Addictor said:

    Because the list doesn’t count authentic garbage champs…
  • AddictorAddictor Member Posts: 429 ★★★

    Well some of them being garbage are just my opinion, but the ones I've picked out are factfully garbage.
    Hmm mister reed I’m not a fan of him. His damage is kinda slow in my opinion. He is still a support or synergy champ in my book. And I hate civil warrior’s play style, he has some utility and he might be good for some long fights.
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    I agree a few of them
    Addictor said:

    The following champs are ok or decent in people’s eyes, but they’re trash in my book, I hate them and I’m never gonna rank them up as 6 star or I’ll be regretful if I do that.
    1 Morningstar (Painful ramp up, clunky play style)
    2 Guillotine 2099 (I know she is god tier but I’m never gonna rank her to r3, terrible base attack before 100 hits)
    3 stealthy spidey (low health pool, clunky to play, bad sp damage, low utility)
    4 spider Gwen (underwhelming damage, ugly looking)
    5 Howard the duck ( the buff doesn’t mean anything, still sucks)
    6 doc ock ( hard to use, clunky and damage is meh)
    7 Hela ( don’t tell me Odin synergy she is definitely not practical)
    8 Thor rag (many players hate him)
    9 night trasher (skill trash for me)
    10 VTD ( trash)
    11 symbiote supreme (arena fodder for me even terrible to use in arena)
    12 proxima (I hate this lass, only for corvus synergy)
    13 sentinel ( painful to use so so clunky)
    14 man thing (trash)
    15 Ronin (not fan of him)
    16 mister fantastic (I hate him bad damage)
    17 thing (I know he has lots of fans but sorry I’m not, he is trash when he is alone)
    18 mojo (ugly and meh)
    19 civil warrior ( still garbage)
    20 sorcerer supreme (she is rank 2 never gonna be rank3)
    21 IMIW (I hate him both as attacker and defender)

    Thor Ragnarok is the only champion on this list that i would not rank up.
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    I agree a few of them

    It's rare to see this much be wrong in one post. Congrats

    I know most of the champs on this list the op isn't using correctly
  • AddictorAddictor Member Posts: 429 ★★★
    Will3808 said:

    I love how you titled this as 121 okay or decent champions that I hate. 7 of those champions are normally considered god tier and a lot more of them are considered top third of the game. I’d consider middle third of the game okay or decent champions. Very few of these champions are in that group.

    Besides that I’m not sure you’ve actually played any of these champions properly. You cannot have properly played sym supreme, stealth spidey, or sentinel and tell me they’re trash. Even if you don’t like them you have to admit they (and definitely some other people on this list) have their uses and are very good in some scenarios.

    Go play the game, actually use some of these champions, and then come back and give us evidence to back your points. Then we’ll talk.

    Man seems like I don’t have to give you evidence just like the title says the champs that I personally hate. It’s personal preference. Just vote I agree with none and that’s it.
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    I agree a few of them
    Addictor said:

    Hmm mister reed I’m not a fan of him. His damage is kinda slow in my opinion. He is still a support or synergy champ in my book. And I hate civil warrior’s play style, he has some utility and he might be good for some long fights.
    Yeah Mr Fantastic damage is kinda slow and you kinda need the AI too cooperate with you, but not really a bad champion overall. I soloed the EQ Purgatory boss with Mr Fantastic
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them
    For 2 3 4 5 8 11 18 and 20 I would throw text-wall hands over all of them, those besides Thor Ragnarok because they are immensely useful and can carry through plenty of content, and Thor Ragnarok because you start the premise that people actually think he is good.
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Did you just say that Stealthy had Low Utility?
  • Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 272
    I agree with none of them
    I get that it is your opinion but i feel bad that you don’t get to experience these champs in their full glory.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them
    Hoitado said:

    Did you just say that Stealthy had Low Utility?

    Violent Skylord flashbacks
  • JuggerNotJuggerNot Member Posts: 432 ★★
    I agree with none of them
    22 your opinions (trash)

    Jk everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I just don't agree with these.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them
    Addictor said:

    Hmm mister reed I’m not a fan of him. His damage is kinda slow in my opinion. He is still a support or synergy champ in my book. And I hate civil warrior’s play style, he has some utility and he might be good for some long fights.
    Civil Warrior is great it is super easy to stack a ton of furys with him.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    edited June 2021
    Well then.

    Only two I really disagree with are Spider-Gwen and Doc Ock. Plus Stealth Suit once I get used to him. Spider-Verse is best-verse (no I’m not biased). Otherwise your reasons are perfectly reasonable. Ish.

    Also to add another champion to the list: I kind of hate Colossus. I ranked him up to 5* r4 but I’ve pretty much only used him for his immunities when I didn’t feel like bringing Ghost, but he just seems super underwhelming. Maybe I’m just not playing him right, but I think he should’ve stayed unbuffed.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them

    Civil Warrior is great it is super easy to stack a ton of furys with him.
    Yeah and that would lead to a lot of damage if only those furies were potent instead of watered-down harder than the coke at Burger King. I also find that if you have an aggressive AI, you are looking at a lot of blocked hits. This is fine, but when you are converting all of your armour ups to furies you remove tankiness. As well, you are doing a lot more dashing back and holding (when the oppourtunity presents itself) than hitting big numbers with said furies. I wish the fury duration was extended and armour ups that were converted turned into little passives that stacked up to 25 and increased block proficiency, but nothing else.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them
    DawsMan said:

    Yeah and that would lead to a lot of damage if only those furies were potent instead of watered-down harder than the coke at Burger King. I also find that if you have an aggressive AI, you are looking at a lot of blocked hits. This is fine, but when you are converting all of your armour ups to furies you remove tankiness. As well, you are doing a lot more dashing back and holding (when the oppourtunity presents itself) than hitting big numbers with said furies. I wish the fury duration was extended and armour ups that were converted turned into little passives that stacked up to 25 and increased block proficiency, but nothing else.
    For sure but he isn't terrible
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,692 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them

    Well then.

    Only two I really disagree with are Spider-Gwen and Doc Ock. Plus Stealth Suit once I get used to him. Spider-Verse is best-verse (no I’m not biased). Otherwise your reasons are perfectly reasonable. Ish.

    Also to add another champion to the list: I kind of hate Colossus. I ranked him up to 5* r4 but I’ve pretty much only used him for his immunities when I didn’t feel like bringing Ghost, but he just seems super underwhelming. Maybe I’m just not playing him right, but I think he should’ve stayed unbuffed.

    For big damage, you’ll want to run him with the Omega Red synergy. If you want to really crank him up to 11, throw Emma Frost on the team as well and his combat power rate goes through the roof. I tend not to run Colossus without Omega, that synergy exponentially increases his damage output.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    edited June 2021
    I agree with none of them
    Stealth spider has crazy damage once you get fury and precision on him. Sym supreme and guilly 2099 are op. Spider Gwen has crazy damage after ramp up and also utility wise she is good. Vtd isn't trash he is beyond god tier
  • WeaponXBrute_47WeaponXBrute_47 Member Posts: 48
    I agree with none of them
    What I gotta say is.....give me one good reason to hate stealth suit.....
    low health pool...??really...??
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them

    For sure but he isn't terrible
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them
    Have you actually used any of the champs on the list? Or is this an ‘I’m salty because I don’t have all the champs on it so I’ll say they suck’ list
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    What have you got against Sym Supreme?
  • BuckyBruhBuckyBruh Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    I agree with none of them
    Hates spidergwen nd mojo because they are ugly looking. Is that even a reason? What about iAbom then?
  • BlôdletterBlôdletter Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    I agree a few of them
    Mister Fantastic has bad damage? Oh, sure, 20k heavy with 6* R1 disadvantage is really bad
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    I bet you actually have a 5* Night Thrasher, whom you call skill trash.
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  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,536 ★★★★★
    edited June 2021
    I agree with none of them
    It's your personal preference and taste and I respect your opinion but In general some of them are at god tier level and and some are very very solid, and some are just don't shine due to other SHINY champs in their class.
    MS,G2099, Stealthy,SS, Porxima and Sorcerer needs some patience and skill to pull off their tricks. Depends upon the your play style tho
  • BinkPlayzBinkPlayz Member Posts: 99 ★★
    I agree with none of them

  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I agree with none of them
    You are free to like and dislike whoever you want, but IMO you don't know what you're talking about.

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