Is Magneto House of X better than normal Magneto?

Magneto House of X and normal Magneto have the same move sets, only in a different order. But which is better?
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Wags is great for his prefight and support, but Red Mags is just… a beast
I personally like Magneto too, dude has done so much for me!
OG Magneto CLEARLY has the edge in terms of face melting damage and dependability/survivability against #metal champs. The thing about White Magneto is that his pre-fight can be an absolute godsend in certain boss matches, to the point that you're better off bringing Wags over Rags... because Wags can do the same thing that that Rags can do but not as quickly, effectively or straightforwardly as Rags... but he'll get the job done nonetheless. Thus, the "which one is best?" question boils down to how essential ( or not) Wags' pre-fight is for a given content : if you NEED the pre-fight Wags all the way. If not, the Rags.
Wagneto is an upper level champ with unique node/champ countering abilities.
Arguably he is. No other Champion can do 500,000k + damage but Ghost and Quake Outshine him IMO. Red Mags for me is 3rd Best Champ
Him and Red Magneto have utilities in different aspects.
I love both of them.
Very happy
Awaken him and be ecstatic.