The New Featured 6 star……..Are we going backwards with these???
Okkkkkk……….so no doubt in my mind that everyone has seen and been kinda….sorta……very underwhelmed by it.
And here’s the thing I was always more down to go for featured 6* over basic just cause I’ve always at least been ok w/ at least half of the pool……but this pool……………. This pool feels like Kabam went backwards w/ this one.
I mean they said they would make these pools in a way so that they wouldn’t feel toooooo bad when you miss the actual featured champs, but this pool does not fee like that in any way.
I mean the put in some sort of recently newly buffed champs
-Black Panther
-Mr Fantastic
-Ebony Maw
-Civil Warrior
- Nova
Id say that the most we get for featured 6* is 3 newly buffed champs(at least thats what I’ve seen so far)
And this kinda bother me that Mr.F is in this crystal just cause he was in the apoc/cgr/prof x featured 6* pool, just a small thing lol, but the reality is out of those 6 buffed chanmp Bp and Mr F are the clear wins(some would say vulture as well but I cant say the buff is justifiable to) just seems like a huge missed opportunity to have added ultron, or newly buffed diablo. Not to also mention that they missed the mark on Ebony AGAIN so Unless they plan on buffing him again, its a big miss haha .
Now id have to REALLLLLLLY hope kabam plans on buffing some of those other champs inside the crystal such as,
-Joe Fixit
-X-Force DP
And Id actually even say another 3 + champs to buff, but those three are the ones that come to mind that i think need/deserve a buff.
Now for the first time champs as 6*(at least in terms of in 6* crystal vs cavalier crystals )
-Black Widow
-Joe Fixit
This is a reduction by one hahaha, there would usually be 3 first time 6* so
Again this is a HUGGGGGE missed opportunity where they could have introduced
Icemam…….Dr Voodoo…….or MEDUSA, but they decided to w/ champs that bring nothing to the table. Again im just gonna have to realllllly hope for some decent- good buffs for some of these bad champs in the pool.
This just so unfortunate to look at, and I mean Im kinda neutral with what I pulled,
Super happy w/odin and Jabari and thats about it tbh.
Just leaves a bad taste in mouth even saying I opened this featured 6* lol
For those going for the crystal I hope you get that champ you’re looking for.
Best of luck to you all
I already spent 45k on it (got Shang, SilvCent and Vulture) and will use all shards I get on 4th of July on it too. Why? Well it all boils down to how many champs I want BAAD, how many I wouldn't mind getting, and how many i would hate to get.
Shang (again for dupe)
SilvCent ( again for dupe)
Vulture (again for dupe)
CMM ( have already, want dupe)
Angela (have already want dupe)
Mr Neg
Mr F.
WOULDN'T MIND GETTING ( cuz they're decent and don't have them as 6* or high ranked 5*):
Ebony Maw
WOULDN'T MIND GETTING (cuz don't have as 6* not even 5* and I am 100% SURE these are up for a buff very soon):
Mister Sinister
Civil Warrior ( not great even if buffed)
Nova (idem)
BW ( I am sure she's up for a buff/overhaul too but even if she is, pretty sure she'll need max sig, which is a no no when desiring 6* champs )
Joe Fixit ( he's terrible and he wont get buffed this year for sure cuz he lost the buff poll)
So, if you look at this list, then outta 24 champs only 4 I would hate to get. That is definitely better odds than a basic. In fact, historically I have always had better luck pulling good/decent champs from featured than from basics. As a result, my roster as it is is right now is pretty much well rounded, I have all beyond god tiers of the game (except sunspot/g2099) either as 5* 5/65 or 6* R2, so I really don't lose much by gambling on these crystals. Is not like I would lose getting something that I dont already have. In fact, all of the 20 champs I want/wouldn't mind having from this featured would definitely serve a purpose in my roster, even if it is just as a synergy piece.
Thus, in conclusion, I have used 45k shards already and will for sure keep using as much as I can get cuz for ME, given the composition and needs of my current roster, it makes absolute sense to do so.
The Apoc/Prof X/CGR/Ghost/Dragon Man and a bunch of other solid champs crystal was an anomaly.
Dr. Zola
I mean even w/the last featured. It was pretty solid in comparison to this.
Im probably gonna keep trying just cause there are champs I want badly as well. Not a great investment but hey not like my luck is any better in the basic lol
And to get
apoc, prof X, nick fury X2, corvus, ghost, Doom, warlock, bwcv, ibom, AA X2, venom, mole god,
There all I can think of right now but I'm pretty happy with whatever I pull really. I enjoy going in to uncollected with absolute duds and just having fun.
This featured is CONSIDERABLY WORSE than that legendary Ghost/CGR/Apoc/ Prof X/ DragonMan/iHulk/Elsa one.
However, it is DEFINITELY BETTER than the previous Stryfe/Jubilee/PsychoMan one, that's for sure.
So now the real question is: Is it worth it to hoard all your shards hoping that the next featured will have the quality level of that Ghost/CGR one??? TBH , for the looks of it : NOPE.
Why you say? Well we know it'll have Purgatory ( which sucks big time), Overseer ( kinda Ok but meh) ,America Chavez and Hercules ( impossible to know at this point if they will be any good....). Besides that we also know there's a HIGH CHANCE that Hood (due ro his impending buff), Ultron, War Machine, Diablo, Ronin and Bishop will be there too. So these 10 champs, do they sound exciting to you? If they do then sure, hoard your shards for 97 more days. To me though they dont sound exciting at all, only War Machine I would like , the rest are all meh to me. But on the current featured I KNOW that 20 outta 24 are interesting to me. Thus, is a no brainer, really.
Even more, even if you want to bet on the next featured being better than this one, well that next one will be here during the time of the Black Friday/ Cyber Monday deals. If it is in fact good then just use hoard units/buy the cyber Monday offers then and use those shards to get that featured then. So... complaining about the current one sounds like a moot point to me.
Just seems like in general the last crystal actually had better champs to pull in comparison to this, and thats with me trying to give some the benefit of the doubt of being an underrated champ.
I personally think 10 of the champs are something to desire
And that last 16 were desirable in the last one., but again just how I see it.
And I mean I cant base my opinions on saving for the next one yet, because we’d need to see the last line champs introduced in August, and that give some folks an Idea if they wanna take their chances at that crystal.
I always hoard shards to do mass openings rather than, pouncing on it every time i have the shards to open a basic or a featured.
And anyways its not really a complaint rather an opinion.
I got the two champs I really wanted, so just giving my own opinion on it after hoarding🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽
This is just an opinion on how I see this crystal pool. Everyone is going to give their opinion on it.
Now if I had gotten none one that I wanted…..then yeah this would look more like a whining post, but its not. It’s an opinion on how they missed the mark the pool and thats really it.