Today's Announcement Discussion Thread

Hey Summoners,
We've just posted an announcement for all of our players here:
We know that you'll have some comments, and we want to hear them. Please be aware, that since this is an ongoing investigation, there will be questions that we are not able to answer at this time.
We've just posted an announcement for all of our players here:
We know that you'll have some comments, and we want to hear them. Please be aware, that since this is an ongoing investigation, there will be questions that we are not able to answer at this time.
p.s. I applaud the transparency.
I guess this won’t get answered by the powers to be as it’s to the point and requires a direct answer.
It wasn't really either, it was more so that some very technically inclined folks may have been able to scrape some data from within the game mode that could have revealed this information to them. We do want to reiterate that this was restricted to the Alliance Wars information we referenced.
No - what you're referring to is a completely different aspect of Alliance Wars but is one that we are looking into in terms of feature design. That is not an exploit, and is not against any rules. What we are discussing here is something very different.
Right now we can't comment too much on an ongoing investigation, but we have rules and banning policies in place for those that use exploits or cheat within The Contest. The scope of anyone that would possibly be impacted here is also very limited, due to the nature of how this information was accessible.
It was however quite important to us that we share our findings in a transparent way, as well as advise why you will soon see some temporary changes in AW.
So, these changes will be in effect immediately?
Not defender rating as a BG or anything. You’ll just see their PI, Class, rarity, and champion now.
If so, why? It’s bad enough we are having to bend over backwards for you folks to make diversity a you are making it that much more of a temporary cakewalk by letting people adjust their teams that best counter the new nodes.
Some people modified their displayed PI and DEF Rating to AW‘s?!
No. The Emergency Maintenances were caused by a server load issue due to Tests of Valor. Emergency Maintenance are only caused when there are severe issues that are causing game servers to crash. We do not enter an emergency maintenance state to perform changes to content. This is what our scheduled Tuesday maintenances are for. In the past, we have had to enter an unscheduled Maintenance to perform changes to content, but have always given as much notice as we possibly can. We do not make changes to content without letting you all know first.
we aren't able to understand...
do u mean alliance sharing their pi or diversity... can you clearly make us undeestand....
Cupcake Wars!! YEAHH!!!
okay, will opening up all information on AW maps help narrow down these 'technically inclined' folks and help you identity them faster? Or just opening it up to everyone so no one can get the info while you close the 'leak' so to speak?
Can I respectfully say cupcake wars one more time?
The information that would have been possible to be scraped through the use of this exploit could have allowed access to the Champion information of the opposing Alliance in AW. This included the identity of Champions that were placed as Defenders, their rank, rarity, and PI.
Not immediately - the changes will happen after next week's maintenance on Tuesday evening.
Thank you for answering my question, I hope you do let us all know what the outcome from your findings are and what your actions are, this is the best way to discourage others from trying to take advantage in the future if they know you have a zero tolerance and will give out strong punishments.
No - that's not the case. There are some pretty big limitations on who could have possibly benefited from this information, and we are still working to confirm even that. Additionally, having access to this information wouldn't not have created 'unbelievable' losses. It's not a manipulation of game data, it would have just been possible to review certain stats for strategy planning purposes.
Kinda funny that a guy who swears he wasn't doing this is banned. Granted this is annoying and yet a further detriment to AW....sigh...please make it fun again sometime soon....BUT on a positive note I hope you ban the living bejesus out of the players who made 'fixing' AW an even slower process due to this 'exploit'
Me either... This is very vague. Some clarity please
We know that this isn't the most elegant of solutions to this issue, but until we have completely investigated this possible exploit, and can put a fix in place to put an end to it, this solution will mean that no Alliance will be at a disadvantage because they are playing the mode legitimately.
This isn't a long term solution, and we do plan on reinstating the hidden information in higher Tiers in Alliance Wars as soon as we can put a stop to this potential exploit. We are also still working on refinements to Alliance Wars, but that's a conversation for a different thread!