Looking for a alli

Looking for a active alli that dose map 4 or higher aubanjz94yiaj.png
D me in game


  • Would u join a new alliance & help us grow!? MrShutDown919 in game & Line. I sent u a request
  • AairaMemonAairaMemon Posts: 6
    Send me In-Game message my user id is AairaMemon, we are looking for couple of Active users. we run Map 5 and Map4-3, depends upon time.
    We require Line App, All other requirement will let u more if you join.
  • Maestro1713Maestro1713 Posts: 126
    Hey bud, added you in game!
  • Still looking?

    Check my alliance The Fire Squad.

    Game and Line ID: Zburatoru

    5M alliance doing map 4x5. SA weekly. AW tier 9.

    Dedicated BGs. Everybody is on line.
  • Feel free join us! gx1lca8z5jse.png
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