PLEASE fix matchmaking

Matchmaking is completely broken this season. We are a Silver ally & been matched against gold allys literally every war, & we are getting killed. We dropped to Silver 2 & the **** map, & STILL got another Gold opponent. This is demoralizing. I just had my top guy quit. Like, quit the game. And he was a spender. You need to fix this asap, or i'm gonna lose more guys & you're gonna lose more $.


  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,097 ★★★★
    Man, your war rating is same ( Or close by), you get matched with them. It's as simple as that.
  • L0rd_MeatwadL0rd_Meatwad Member Posts: 4
    Man, I've been playing this game from the beginning, & we haven't been this mismatched (war rating or not) since matchmaking 1st started. If they've changed the algorithm, they need to fine-tune it a bit more. Silver 2 should never fight a gold 3 during season. They have all, literally all, been higher in every category each war this season.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Except that the rank is decided AFTER the Season, not during...
  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 162
    Alot of the Gold alliances drop all their war rating during off season, if you came up against them during off season you had a good chance to beat them which would mean you start the season high and they start low. So the start of the new season is a bit of a readjustment, if you are unlucky this can really go against you. It sucks as it feels like a poor approach to strategy but that's what I can see people doing.
  • L0rd_MeatwadL0rd_Meatwad Member Posts: 4
    @damianohm then off-season should be ignored for seasons. It's common frickin sense. Come on Kabam!
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