The most fun champs for you

This team has my favourite champs to play around with. It's just ridiculous fun evading ws sp2 s Ultron and nightcrawler. Yes NC needs a buff but he's still fun. I love sunspot cos I do. Chunky sp2 rampup and imo best animations In game. Cmm lights people up. But my favourite is ronin. He's ridiculously fun and was before the buff too and has cool animations. Who are you're favourite champs to play around with or who u just generally like cos of animations

My go to if looking for fun
Elsa: nuff said
iBom: gonna r3 after a couple weeks of testing. Worth
HtD: honestly just for the lols. Interesting champ and can get out my anger through effective spamming.
Apoc: don’t use him other then the first fight but when I use him he wrecks.
p much stryfe is the most fun i’ve had in a while, bwdo is ranked up but i’ll probably rank 3 her eventually, cgr is cgr lol
G99: idk there is something satisfying about melting a SoP boss or an Apoc boss with her
CGR: Big yellow numbers, nuff said
Ihulk: Big red numbers, nuff said
Namor: For some reason I have been having a lot of fun with Namor lately, just sp1 spamming is fun and I don’t know why
DDHK: I just like him and like seeing a lot of crust
Silver Surfer: straight up one of my favorite champs
Ihulk: he just melts stuff and it’s hilarious
Doc ock: heavy spam!
Hulkbuster for the same reason but also: when he works, he WORKS
I don’t know why, but I just “get” what Kabam was trying to do with these kits and they fit my play style — I totally got what they were trying to do with Silver Surfer and Taskmaster on the first day I pulled them
Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
Captain Marvel (Movie)
Nick Fury
Ultron is fun currently with lotta potential, but not sure that's gonna last or work out.
Aarkus SLAPS when he’s got that fury + armor shatter
Namor once you get 30 outrage and spam sp3 is insane
Psylocke is kinda fun with apoc
BWDO destroys cav eq
and i simply enjoy looking at those thicc red numbers with IHulk. He’s going to r2 after I get Mr. N at some point